VIII- The Ex

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I woke up that Saturday morning by 5:30am because I went jogging with Trent. It was what he called 'HIS' way of clearing his mind from when anything annoying or stressful happened. But while jogging, I just couldn't stop thinking about what happened to me the day before.
'Summers?'. That voice triggered a whole lot of memories of what happened back at the orphanage. Not just that, but when I looked and found out it was who I expected it to be, I knew this stay wasn't going to be fun anymore.

Avory: Oh my God, it is you.
Ash: Oh hi, umm you.
Avory: C'mon how've you been, baby?
Dante: Baby?
Adrian: Plus, she called you Summers.
Avory: Oh sorry, was I meant to keep us a secret? Or was I meant to call you Ash West?
Ash: What are you doing here, Avory?
Trent: So you know this chick?
Avory: Know me? Oh no, it's much more than that, right baby?
Ash: (exhales heavily) Guys, this is Avory, a friend from the Orphanage.
Avory: I'm sorry, friend?
Ash: You're lucky I didn't say mistake.
Avory: Then I'll introduce myself. I'm Avory Scottman, but now I'm known as McKenzie Sanchez.
Trent: Wait, like 'THE' Sanchez?
Avory: Yup.
Ash: Wait, who Sanchez?
Dante: The owner of the school Sanchez.
Ash: Oh no.
Avory: Oh yes. And I'm Ash's Girlfriend.
Ash: Correction, WAS.
Avory: Whatever you say. But It's love, baby.
Ash: Look guys, back when I was a new kid in the orphanage, she was the one that guided me and told me the do's and dont's.
Adrian: So because of that you fell for her?
Ash: No. I also lived with her and then well 'SHE' asked 'ME' and I just couldn't say no. Plus, I thought she was better so.....
Avory: Oh c'mon, don't make me look bad in front of your friends, babe.
Ash: Look Avory, it was in the past. And I have a girlfriend now.
Avory: Who, that numb skull, Snow Garcia?
Ash: Hey!
Avory: Or is it the reject, Vanessa Darienette?
Dante: Hey! I guess.
Avory: Look babe, I'm the best match for you so don't go liking other bitches. Besides, you wouldn't want your secret to go out would you? Well toodles.

Then she left.

Adrian: Dude, blackmailing yo ass. She is evil.
Ash: I know right.
Dante: And what secret?
Ash: It's nothing serious.
Trent: It has to be for her to use it against you.
Ash: We'll, it's something personal.
Adrian: Oh, and why did she call you summers?
Ash: Well, that was my orphan name.
Trent: Make sense.

So then we got back to the room and soon after, slept. But to be honest, I couldn't sleep and I was just thinking of how my life would ruin if she told my secret. I would have said what the secret was, but where's the fun in that😉.
And that leads me back to my jog. So after my good jog, I decided to go meet Bianca at her own hotel\dorm because it was where Trent and I finished jogging. Well, just me because Trent wanted to jog some more so I let him do him. When I got to her room, she was showering, so her roommate, Stacy, asked me to sit and wait for her. While I was waiting I had a little chat with her and she seemed pretty cool. Btw, she's older than me so don't expect more from this. So then she got out the shower and I wanted to give her some privacy to get dressed but she said she would just talk with her towel on. And so I told her about Avory, or McKenzie now, and she flipped. She gave me some advice though about trying to avoid her and not adding her into my life equation, but these were things I was already going to do. After that she did the whole teasing thing by introducing me to her roommates as her 'cute little muffin bro'. Then they introduced themselves to be Stacy, Gray and Ashley, but they call her Ash as well. Note, they are all girls. Yes even Gray. So I kinda chilled a bit and then got going. When I got back to my room, my stupid roommates started interrogating me.

Dante: Dude, where were you?
Trent: oh, I left him with his sister. You know the one with the big boobs.
Dante: Oh Bianca.
Ash: Really?
Dante: Sorry. I just didn't think Evies boobs were comparable.
Adrian: Besides, Bianca does have big boobs.
Ash: You too, Adrian?
Adrian: Sorry man.
Dante: So did you see her boobs when you got there?
Ash: Dude. Don't talk to me about my sisters boobs.
Dante: Correction, "STEP".
Ash: Correction, "ADOPTED"
Dante: Whatever. Her friends boobs on the other hand?
Ash: You know what, I'm done talking. I'm gonna take a shower and meet with Evie later(entering the bathroom)
Dante: (laughing)Is that the boobless sister?

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