XIV- The Blackmail

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Ash: Evie wait, please.(catching up)
Evie: For what?
Ash: Lemme explain.
Evie: You know what, that's your problem. You think cuz you can charm everyone it means you can be a dick to them. Well I'm done trusting you.
Ash: Evie please. It's not like that. Im not using you. I didn't even want to be here.
Evie: Yet when you choose to, I, who asked you, wasn't your go to person. But my best friend?
Ash: No. She said she didn't want me to miss it and you were already coming with someone else so I didn't wanna bother you.
Evie: Well don't. I don't even know why I try.
Ash: No, Evie. I'm so sorry.

Then the most annoying thing happened. You know the guy Evie was here with, his name was Travis Mayfield and he showed up. And as I saw him, I realized that I knew him. He goes by the name "Spanner". Reason why? Dumb reason honestly. It's cuz he could do anything with a spanner, Anything. He was the captain of the Soccer team and the worst part of him was his proud af, always right, number one alone attitude. I looked at him with a grin on my face. The most irritating person in L'oreal, I thought to myself, was the match for my sister. The thought of that made me so angry. I couldn't get any angrier. Well, that was until he spoke to me.

Spanner: Well well. Look what we have here. Ash West.
Ash: Spanner(with an irritated voice).
Spanner: Its Travis to you. Only my friends call me Spanner.
Ash: Well then I guess no one calls you that then.
Spanner: (looking angry) Look you're in the way between my date, so if you could eject from my sights that'd be nice.
Ash:(getting ticked off) And what if I don't.
Spanner: Oh you don't wanna know.
Evie: Ash, just leave. It's best for us all.
Spanner: Yeah Ash, Leave!
Ash: You got a problem with me staying here? Then make me leave.
Evie: Let's just leave Trav...........
Spanner: No. He wants me to make him leave? Fine.

Then he pushes me and that was when I realized that I wasn't in control of my own body. I punched him so hard to the floor and just kept punching him. Honestly, not to brag or anything, but he wasn't even much of a fight. I kept hitting him and everyone kept screaming "Fight". But it didn't feel like one. Then I felt a palm trying to pull me back and I pushed it back. That was when I heard Mckenzie say  "ASH!" at the top of her voice and I turned to realize it was Evie I had pushed away. Immediately, I stopped as she looked at me with her hand on her mouth and tears rolling off her cheek. A few people then came and separated Spanner and I but she looked disappointed in me. She then turned towards the door and started running out. "Evie", I screamed trying to stop her. She left and I tried to reach her but the crowd couldn't let me leave. After what felt like a century, I was able to. Immediately,  I ran towards her room. As I  reached, the door was locked, as expected. I knocked and knocked, but no one answered. I thought maybe she just wasn't in, but then I heard a little sob inside. Honestly, I didn't feel sorry for Spanner, but I was sincerely sorry for Evie.   

Ash: Evie I'm so sorry. I know that you won't open up, But for what it's worth, you were my first choice. I didn't want to ask you cuz I felt you would be disappointed in me, but instead I hurt your feelings. Im really sorry and if I could take it back, then I will.
At this point, silence filled the air and I gave up. "She's not answering" I thought as I was leaving.

Ash: You might never talk to me again and I understand. But lemme use this time to say that...... I love you.

A few seconds after those words flew off my lips, the locks were cracked open and the door slightly slid open. "Do you mean it?" she asked and made my heart skip like twelve beats. "I do" I said finalizing it in my head. I had never been so sure about anything. My bitch of a sister was the long lost love of my life. Even as such, I thought being her brother would lose those feelings, but it literally just drew me nearer to her. I buried those feelings really well, but it wasn't enough to stop me from loving her. It might've been weird, in fact it was, but that was the first time I ever said that I loved someone. She held me by my sleeve with her thumb and index finger. She looked really red but she kept her face down. I could tell she was shy. "Well, make it up to me." She said with a low tune. I walked into her room and sat on one of the chairs there. She sat on the bed and still looked down. Anytime she looked at me and I looked back, she hesitated and turned her face.

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