II- The Big Mistake

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I woke up by 12 in the morning. I didn't know why, oh maybe it was cuz of the super-soft water bed, but I enjoyed my sleep for once in the longest time. I stood up and my body felt numb. I so wanted to go back to sleep but I remembered what mom said about buying new clothes (and tossing the "rags", as stated. Still hurts) so I went to brush my teeth.

When I thought about it, I actually didn't see the bathroom before. Now that was the size of all my actual rooms. I didn't really expect to see a pack of new brushes but I didn't waste time in tossing my old one away. The new toothbrush was so soft and I could actually brush my teeth for hours.

After that I took a "NORMAL" shower so I couldn't stay for hours. Then I went downstairs to the living room.


Ash: Morning gals.
Lexi: Morning Ash.
Ash: Oh morning Lex. Aren't you supposed to be at work?
Lexi: I don't go to work. And you do know I'm still in college right?
Ash: Oh, just thought you dropped out to work or something.
Bianca: Plus its Saturday.
Ash: oh, morning B.
Bianca: Morning baby.(hugs me tight)
Ash: ouukay. Hey what about reddie?
Bianca: Evie? She went out with dad to some tennis tournament.
Ash: wow 'IT' plays lawn tennis.
Lexi: Jeez hurtful. I thought 'YOU' said no mean comments?
Ash: Well she started it(folding arms)
Bianca: I love this childish side of you(biting my left ear)
Ash: Urgk, c'mon.
Lexi: Ignore her, she's just teasing you.
Ash: So where's mom?
Lexi: Oh she's getting ready.
Ash: But how does she know I'm awake?
Bianca: maybe cuz of the security system.
Lexi: oh yeah. When you open a door, it shows up on the TV in the master bedroom.
Ash: Cool but kinda spooky.
Bianca: Youll get used to it.

So I wait and mom comes down stairs and we head off to the mall. I asked what mall and she said the great mall of america. Thats like the best mall around. So we go in and she takes me to a teenage boys store. When i got in, i saw a lot of pretty cool clothes. Then i could understand why she called the clothes i wore rags.

But the problem was they were too expensive. You could find a designer hoodie for 2500 dollars, crazy right. So i kept looking and i found a cheaper section. So i also found some pretty ok and cheap clothes and i picked them. But guess what, as i approached my mom with them she said "cmon Ash, find some better more expensive clothes". wow, so i did. Remember that hoodie of $2500, well i bought 4 of them. Along with some Tees and some pants.

TBH, i almost spent $20000 on clothes at once. When i approached her, she said "is that all you want" like it wasnt enough. I actually wanted to pick more, but c'mon, I have decency.

So after all the shopping it was time to go home. On our way out the mall, we saw an unexpected guest arrive, The 'Darienettes'. Well definately you know the Darienettes but in case you are the only one in the world who doesnt, they are like the richest family lineage in the world. There are the Darienettes, which are from Jerry, and the ones of Stephen. Both brothers are at the top three richest men alive and their wives are pretty rich too. I mean, owning shares with Scythe co(beastly gaming pc production) and the X productions (new gen tablets and phones), you can only guess how rich. They pretty much own like 30% shares with the top ten companies.

Enough about stating the obvious, this time we landed with Jerry and Tyrand Darienette. So my mom did that kissy greety thing with Tyrand and shook Jerrys hand and said hello to the girl that was with them which is weird cuz they have 2 sons and a Daughter but this time it was only the girl. Then my mom introduced me to them.


Mom: so everyone, i would like to introduce you to my new son, Ash West.
Tyrand: Hi, im your moms best friend, Tyrand. Its nice to meet you.
Ash: Nice to meet you mrs Tyrand.
Jerry: And im Jerry, your new Godfather, kid.
Ash: Nice to meet you too mr J.
Jerry: what?
Mom: he likes to shorten up names.
Jerry: Oh this is my kinda guy.

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