XXI- The Reveal

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Ash: Sup, Mystery girl.
Cherrie: Please don't tell me that's what you call me?
Ash: (a bit embarrassed) well at least it's better than the "Cherrie" nickname, am I right?(smiling)

Then silence lasted for some seconds before I realized.

Ash: That's your real name, isn't it?
Cherrie: Ya think.
Ash: Oh my god, I'm so sorry.
Cherrie: Don't be. (leaving).
Ash: Wait (holding her hand). I really want to talk to you.
Cherrie: I bet you do, honey.
Ash: I just want to understand what I'm doing wrong. Am I boring, or is it my hair.
Cherrie: What are you talking about?
Ash: I mean, why can't you even look at me let alone talk?
Cherrie: Look Ash, you don't have a problem.
Ash: Then why do I always feel like you're trying to avoid me.
Cherrie: Because I am.
Ash:(surprised) Wha... Why?
Cherrie:(taking a deep breath) Well, think about it. Vanessa, Snow, Mckenzie, Angela, Payton, and even Evie. You have a history of breaking hearts. So I'm just being sefe so I don't end up getting my heart broken.
Ash: Wow. I never imagined how what I did looked like in other people's eyes. But to be honest, I'm not experienced with both girls and popularity. I was orphaned at an age it would affect me and I was lonely ever since. My best friend was my aunt and she died soon after my parents. So everything that happened was new to me, not my desire. I mean I didn't plan to do it.
Cherrie: Oh my, I didn't know that about your family. I'm sorry.
Ash: Don't be.
Cherrie: I guess every perfect person truly has a flaw.
Ash: Awwwww, you think I'm perfect.
Cherrie:(giggling) shut up.

Then we laughed and actually had a nice conversation before going back to our rooms. It was the first time I poured my past life story out to someone after the adoption and it actually felt really nice.
Anyways, skipping ahead, Cherrie and I became a little bit closer and it was interesting. She'd even work with me during the competitive activities. But I still didn't know who she was, who she really was.
Soon, it was two more days until the trip was over. She knew I had a crush on her, but she asked me to take it slow. And I had been doing that. Then came a night where we were asked to stay back to clean up as the penalty for losing the previous competitive challenge. It was just our group, so we decided to pair up together. It was good but things started going south.

Ash: So what's up, Cherr? How've things been going?
Cherrie: It's been great, actually. I got to try that new breakfast place this morning. Really good.
Ash: See, I told you.
Cherrie: Yeah, you did. Anyways, I've been meaning to ask you this, but I wasn't sure how uncomfortable it'd make you. Do you mind?
Ash: Of course not. Ask away.
Cherrie: Okay. When Payton was going head over heels for you....
Ash: Wouldn't really call it that.
Cherrie: Trust me, you would if you know what I know.
Ash: Proceed.
Cherrie: Anyways, she said something to me about your past life. That she met you a long time ago. Is that true?
Ash: Well yeah we did. She was in my class at third grade, so she says.
Cherrie: But do you remember.
Ash: Not until she told me, why.
Cherrie: So that means you DO remember your past life before your parents died.
Ash: Yeah, why.
Cherrie: I wanna ask a question and please, if you can, answer with utmost honesty.
Ash: You're kinda making me nervous right now. But no problem.
Cherrie: Are you, by any chance, Chase Springfield.

As those words flew out of her mouth, my smile turned around. Not a lot of people our age knew Chase Springfield, and even when they did, they couldn't tell it was me because a ton of things changed about me. So when she said that, a million questions concerning how she got to know flew into my mind.

Ash: How do you know that name?
Cherrie: Chase Springfield? The smartest kid until he was assumed dead. Everyone knows him.
Ash: Uhhh
Cherrie: You know. Genius Mode crowned 'smartest boy' in the world? The Rogue Brainiac?
Ash: Wait, the what?
Cherrie: It's a term I invented. Doesn't matter. The point is........ is that you?

Again, a million lies flew into my head. But I swore to myself that I wouldn't ever lie to Cherrie the way I did to Vanny and Snow so I had to come clean. So I sat her down and said the truth.

Ash: Yes, it is me.
Cherrie: Wait, Really?
Ash: Yeah. You can test me if you like.
Cherrie: No, I believe you(holding my hands).
Ash: Oh. So uhmmmmmm, you really know a lot about my past life.
Cherrie: I guess. But doesn't everyone?
Ash: Not really.
Cherrie: But people know you're Chase, right?
Ash: Uh, no. No one except people who knew me back then and my roommates know. Oh and Mr Asuno.
Cherrie: Wait really? I guess it is possible considering you changed your hair color. Trust me honey, the blonde was hotter.
Ash: Oooooooo, now you've made me tempted to go back.

Then we laugh hard. After that came a little bit of smiling, then looking into each other's eyes. We had a very deep moment. I tried to say something to kill the tension but she put her finger on my lip saying "Don't speak, you'll ruin the moment". We were coming closer when all that cliche stuff where some random dude walks in, says something supernaturally irrelevant, and leaves happened. It was annoying, but she laughed and it made me laugh too. Since then I hadn't been shy in talking to her again. We became even closer than we were before. Then came the day. The day I planned to kiss her. Also the day I found out the truth. Before that, I had been trying to tell Leo that the mystery girl was Cherrie but he didn't let me because he claimed he wanted to guess it right first. And if not that, I probably wouldn't have gone this far. Anyways, the day had finally come. Two days before the end of the trip, the last day of the challenges and my planned day to ask her out. We were asked to stay in the main hall until further notice and we sat together with Leonel, Payton, Dante and Vanessa and it was pretty funny.

Leonel: Hey Dante, remember that time you tried to date Vanessa?
Dante: Bro, I told you never to speak of it again?
Vanessa: Really Leo?
Ash: Oh, it has to be spoken of. Cmon, how'd it happen.
Leonel: Well, we just came back to America after a few years in Paris, and we were meeting our uncle Stephen and aunt Sophia for the first time. But we weren't told that they were our aunt and uncle. Later on, Dante took Vanessa's phone number and they started flirting.
Dante: Look, our parents were trying to surprise us and it didn't work.
Leonel: Didn't work? You both looked really surprised to me.
Vanessa: Well we were already going on dates so I'm guessing you should know what kind of surprise it was.
Ash: (laughing) Oh my God, that is comedy gold.
Leonel: Oh, you should've seen the looks on their faces dude.
Dante: Oh, shut up Leonel.
Ash: Cmon Dante, cheer up. I bet it was going really well.
Dante: Not helping.
Leonel: Anyways on unrelated news, Ash, I see you and Cherrie are close now.
Ash: Oh yeah, I guess.
Payton: Oh really?
Cherrie: Calm down Payton, it's not like that.

Then they all laughed. We both looked at each other with awkward giggles and I felt so uncomfortable talking about it. Luckily, an instructor came in and announced that we had 15 minutes before the event started. It was able to change the topic a little bit which was good. Well, up until it brought about something.

Dante: Oh yeah, Payton. You and Vanessa are on the same team right?
Payton: Yeah.
Dante: Group, uhm.......... what was the name again?
Payton: Group Nike.
Leonel: I've been meaning to ask why that's the name.
Vanessa: Cmon, seriously? Nike? The goddess of victory in Greek mythology? No one?
Dante: Ouuuukayyy, anyways, you guys seem really close now.
Payton: I don't know, I wouldn't say really close.
Ash: But you're roommates, aren't you?
Vanessa: Where's this leading to?
Dante: I don't know, just bringing up topic. Anything interesting happened with you two?
Payton: Not really.
Vanessa: Same. At least none that I can remember.
Cherrie: Really? Because before this trip, I remember a certain someone not being able to stand another certain someone and now you're roomies.
Payton: Well, I just thought it was a little childish, to be honest.
Vanessa: What exactly are you guys on to?
Cherrie: I don't know, a cool story. At least one that's really interesting.

Now I wasn't really focused on the whole conversation after the Cherrie incident but after hearing that, I deciphered something I felt I wasn't supposed to.

Dante: I know right, I'm bored as hell.
Ash: Wait! I don't believe it.
Vanessa: What?
Ash: You, you and Payton are hooking up.
Leonel: Wait, What?

To Be Continued.......

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