There Is A Way

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Rosaline's POV

Its been two days since I last saw Stefan, I've been staying at the hotel a couple of miles away from that college Elena goes to. Having time to think I realised that maybe I was too harsh on him. No no I wasn't he sacrificed our brother coming back for a selfish woman. He doesn't deserve my sympathy.

I was about to take a shower when I heard a knock on my door. I quickly put on my top and walked to the door to look in to the magic eye. I saw a face I thought I wouldn't see again. I unlocked the door and opened it slowly to see the man who made me lose the little trust I had left for people that is until I met my brothers and they slowly helped me gain it back.

"Hello Darling." He said and I was still in too much of a shock to answer. Suddenly I heard and all too familiar voice ranting.

"You know brother, instead of racing out of the car to be the first one at her door. You could've helped the poor lad carry the luggage. " She said. I knew Beks was coming but I had no idea that Klaus was coming as well.

"And you know you could've compelled the guy at the reception to do it." He defended himself.

"I'm not in the mood to compel someone so please be a gentleman and help the poor guy who got us here." She shouted. They bickered again for a while and when I heard Carmen struggling with the bags I vamp sped downstairs. Got the bags and carried them to my room's door.  I looked towards Rebekah and Klaus.

"There all done, now are you guys here to console me or give me a headache?" I asked them annoyed at their childish behaviour.

Rebekah immediately had her pout on and came and hugged me, I hugged her back laughing over her puppy dog face. I looked at Klaus who gave me his famous half-smile and I smiled back at him. Just as we were staring in each others eyes and it seemed like we were transported in to our own planet. Carmen's heavy breathing when he finally reached the floor broke our trans. I pulled away from Rebekah and ran over there to help him up. After a few minutes he was up and his breathing was steady again. I gave him a hug and whispered in to his ear, so Klaus wouldn't hear us with his vampire hearing.

"I'm very happy to see you, thank you so much for coming." I whispered in to his trying to act seductive. I brought my face to meet his we were only a few inches apart and he mouthed.

"Are you trying to seduce me, Ms Rosie?" He asked and I nodded while laughing. He laughed along with me.

"What are you too bambling about over there?" I heard Klaus ask and when I looked back at them he seemed annoyed. If I didn't know any better I would say he was jealous, but I did so I ignored that feeling.

"Anyway.." Rebekah said in an attempt to break the silence.

"Rosie why did you bring us all here if I may ask?" Rebekah continued.

"Ahh, well long story short, mu mother is still alive, which puts a slight glitch in my plans to bring my brother back to life and not only that but when I tried to kill her in an attempt to get the bone I need for the spell to bring my brother back. Stefan stopped me, we had a bit of falling out and I have been hiding in this motel ever since." I said. I looked at all three of them to try to figure out. Rebekah looked shocked, Klaus looked somewhat proud. Carmen seemed sympathetic.

"Okay..."Rebekah said hesitating.

"Okay as in okay you feel sorry for me or Okay as in you think I'm wrong for not reaching out to my brother?" I asked her. Her response was a hug.

  "Of course you are wrong Rosie but you also have a right to hate that woman." She said. I hugged her back with a smile on my face appreciating her understanding.

"She is correct love." I heard Klaus say with a half hearted smile on his face as if trying to reassure me of his understanding as well. I smiled to him as a thank you and he smiled back causing my heart to flutter uncontrollably. I thought to myself then of our wonderful times together. It ended in heartbreak but it was  one of the only times in my life when I felt loved and a part of a family. I shrugged the feeling away it was a wonderful time but that's the key word WAS. It was in the past and I don't need anymore of the past I want to move forward and I believe I can do that with Carmen. I was afraid to look at him, Or see a look of disappointment in his eyes. I know I haven't known him for long but for the first time in forever I feel safe when I'm around him. I gathered up all the courage I have and I looked at him only to be totally proven wrong, he wasn't angry or disappointed but looked at me in compassion and sympathy. I pulled away from Beks and he walked towards me.

"I'm so sorry you had to go through all of that." He said sympathetically and I smiled with tears in my eyes.  I hugged him tightly for a bit and when I was about to pull away he grabbed my arm and our lips crashed. It felt like time had stopped once again. But when my head came back to its right state I pulled away not wanting to have the slightest risk of Klaus attacking him. I looked in to his eyes and we were lost in the moment until Rebekah once again brought me back from a trans when she cleared her throat obviously as a single. I broke our eye contact and looked too their direction. I looked at Klaus and I think I saw heartbreak in his eyes but I didn't understand why it was present. He is the one who left, he is the one who chose to let me go. I understand he was running but he could've taken me with him and he didn't. Its been nearly 160 years he can't come back regretting his dedecision now its too late.

"So, witch is there any other way to bring back her idiotic brother?" Rebekah asked Carmen. I looked at her confused at her comment of Damon.

"What your ass of a brother slept with me to try to get in my mind and find out information on how to kill me and my family , now Rosie you may be my Best Friend but I still hate him." She said warrningly.

"Oh trust me he is so dead for doing that to my best friend." I said pissed off that Damon did that to Beks. She smiled at me replying a very Rebekahish comment.

"No need he already got tortured." She said smirking.

"So witch , is there a way to bring him back?" She asked looking at Carmen again.

"There is a way but I need to channel the power of two dozen witches, and I might need to channel the three of you and your brother as well. Plus I need all the stuff I already told you, except of course your mothers remain ." Carmen replied.

"You're serious, There is a way?" I said the tears starting to pool again in my eyes.

"There is a way." He said smiling at me.

I leaped in his arms from the joy and happiness I felt to know that there is still hope to get my brother back.


So guys are you Team Carmen or Team Klaus?

Which do you think is the better match for our Rosie sound off on your thoughts below. And don't forget to comment or share. Just 4 more chapters and its Damon and Bonnie's return to the land of the living chapters. Lots of love to everyone who is reading my story hopefully you guys will love it right until its last word ♥


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