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Rosie's POV

I started to wake up slowly, I was trying to figure out where exactly was I, but my vision was still blurry. My hands burned and when I tried to move them I couldn't I got scared and worried which made me wake up even faster. I looked in front of me and saw that evil, despicable bitch sitting on a chair. I looked upwards and realized that I was tied up and that the shackles were completely laced with vervain.

"Well its about damn time you woke up now the fun can really begin." She said smirking. I looked to my right and saw Leslie and Tracy tied up next to me. I was horrified looking at my two best friends this way. I immediately struggled to try and release myself and help them but with no avail, thankfully though they are awake so when she does get too cocky which I reckon is pretty soon it will be three against one.

"Let them go your sick problem is with me its not with them." I threatned and she just shook her head and laughed like the evil witch she is.

"You know Rosie one thing mum and dad taught you was their stupid sleflessness." She said as she approched me and kneeled down to face me.

"Well the one thing they did fail at was teaching you anything at all." I replied back and the next thing I realized was the slap she gave me. She yanked my chains off the wall. And grabbed me by the hair. I turned around and put the chains around her neck and strangled her but while I was busy trying to kill her she got out her gun and shot me in my left leg. I whimpered from the pain and let her go and she grabbed me from my hair once again but harder this time that I couldn't help but scream from the pain.

"Oh don't worry these are not laced I plan on torturing you for way longer than this , that when I'm done with you, you'll be begging for mercy and I will grant it to you, while you grant me the biggest pleasure in killing you." She spat in my ear and then opened a door of a room full of men playing poker.

"Boys I have a little treat for you, I want you to take full care of my little sister here." She yelled before releasing me in there and going outside while locking the doors. I stood there, scared, not knowing what to do. The three sitting at the front table all stood up at the same time. One of them came closer to me.

"Hey there beautiful." He said as he stroked my face and I quiquickly grabbed his hand in between my clutches and got a hold of his hands and kicked him in his chest throwing him to the other side of the room I quickly grabbed a chair and smashed it on the floor and grabbed one of its wooden pieces.

"You know a man who wants to take advantage of a woman isn't a man, he isn't even a boy he's just a little bitch and since I see so many of you here. I'll take my chances and free the world from you little scumbags. So who is next to die." I gave my speech and waited for one of them to make a move towards me.

"No well I gu.." I was about to finish my sentence when someone bit me from behind. I screamed in pain as he had his fill and threw me on the floor. I looked at him and saw his eyes were yellow, I realized he was a hybrid.

"Now boys what was she saying again. " I watched in fear as they approched me but I stood up anyway and I fought. I will fight until my last breath.

Tracy's POV

We saw her throwing Rosie into a room and me and Leslie kept trying to release ourselves from the chain but it wasn't working and our hands kept burning from the vervain.

"Now who's next?" The bitch spatted out once she reached us.

"I will kill you,you sick twisted worthless piece of scum!" I yelled out terrified for the lives of my friends while that so called human laughed in our faces.

"Oh now I can see why you three are friends you are all nutcases." She said while laughing and I got even more pissed off.

"The only phsyco here is you!" Leslie yelled before I had a chance too and her face hardened. She grabbed Leslie's clutches off of the handle and the next thing I know I hear Rosie screaming. I was terrified looking at my family being tortured in front of me and I can't do anything she put a needle in Leslie which I guess is full of vervain because she passed out. Serebitch grabbed her and slammed her on a table and tied her down. She threw the rest of the water on Leslie and she woke up.

"Good you're awake again." She told her.

"Now we can start with you." She said and started cutting her open while Leslie screamed and yelled and I couldn't help the tear that dropped out of my eye from watching the girl I saved from her evil stepfather and the girl we saved from herself. These two are my family and I can't help but watch helplessly as the two people who matter most too me are tortured right in front of me.

Family is Power  (A Vampire Diaries Fan fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now