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Rosie's POV

I was still in utter shock as I eyed Carmen's face hoping to find any other kind of emotion then the one so clear on his face, anger. Before I could do anything he threw the roses which he brought for me on the ground and ran out of the apartment. As soon as I got over my shock I vamp sped to the stairs only to hear the echo of the front gate being slammed shut.

"Shit, Shit, Shit." I kept cursing to myself as I ran downstairs to try and catch up to him. The door struggled for a bit but I managed to get out of the apartment building in time.

"Carmen!" I yelled out for him but he didn't even look back, letting out a sigh of frustration. I vamp sped towards him and I was now in front of him.

"Get out of my way Rosie." He simply said and pushed me gently out of the way as he continued to walk but I stopped in front of him again.

"And let you go kill yourself. Yeah you can file that request under no chance in hell." I said and this time he didn't push me away so quickly he simply stood there while we had a staring match.

"Why didn't you tell me? You let me think for WEEKS that I've done something wrong. That it was me, that I'd hurt you in some way! And I BEGGED you I BEGGED you to tell me if it was about something that happened in that damn place and you didn't say a thing!" He yelled out as he questioned me.

"Oh I'm sorry Carmen, I didn't realize that you thought it should have been so easy to even TALK about what happened in there. But please next time show me that handbook you read about how to tell your boyfriend that you were gang raped by a bunch of horny, idiotic, barbaric, regressed werewolves and I couldn't do anything to stop them or hurt them in any way. I just sat there fearing that after a lifetime of being feared by even the strongest of men, I would die a weak helpless creature unable to defend myself like I've done so many times in the past one hundred years!!" I yelled out as the tears slipped out of my eyes even though I tried my hardest to hold them back. He stood there looking stunned throughout my outburst and after I was done yelling and the tears still kept coming out, he looked at me in a look I never wished to see in anyone's eyes when they would look at me. He looked at me in sympathy as if I was a weak person and before I knew it he wrapped his arms around me and started to sooth me quietly.

"I promise you, I'll make her pay,I won't let her get away with doing this to you. But you should have told me what was going on! How many times have I begged and pleaded with you that you don't have to get through everything on your own! You have so many people around you, when are you going to realise that and let those people in! " He yelled.

"You don't get it, do you! My adopted parents died when I was just thirteen! Thirteen years old! Their bodies weren't even in the ground when Serena kicked me out of our parent's house! I spent five years on my own, before I met Klaus and the Mikaelsons when Klaus saved me from a carriage that was about to run me over, they became like a family to me and then on the same day Klaus turned me, they left and I was on my own again. I met Tracy and Leslie eighty years later and I saw two girls that have been through hell like me. The three of us shared a bond that some people never get to feel, we became sisters in every sense of the world and now I have my brothers as well. I knew that telling any of you what happened would only lead to the one thing I ever feared! Watching any of you die because me, now I can bear anything, anything except that!" I yelled out replying to his outburst with another one of my own.

"Well you have nothing to worry about because you are underestimating me and I am not going to die." He said and started to walk away, knowing he was wrong and knowing that Serena has a werewolve army and knows what else on her command. If he finds her and goes to confront her, he won't come out of it alive so I did the one thing that would push him away and save his life.

"I slept with Klaus." I blurted out and he stopped in his footsteps.

"You're lying, you're just saying that because you think it would me hate you and then I wouldn't go and kill the bitch." He said and he didn't even look back. I cried silently knowing that it was only partially true.

"I'm not lying Carmen." I said as I shed even more tears. I could hear with my vampire hearing him sighing. Not a frustrated or an angry sigh but one filled with pain and heartache.

"When?" He finally spoke after a few minutes of silence.

"The night you broke up with me." I confessed as I wiped my tears away and we were back into silence.

"Damn it!" He yelled out startling me as he punched the tree which was next to him.

"He followed me didn't he?!" He yelled and I nodded in agreement.

"So he took advantage of you in your vunreable state after he went on and on about how much he loves you, well what kind of love is that. You were going through hell and to top it all off I'd hurt you and he didn't give a crap about any of that!" He yelled out and for some reason I got angry.

"No you know what, I'm not going to let you put all the blame on him, I'm not some fragile little bird who can be manipulated into bedding my ex boyfriend! You hold me accountable of what happened as much as you..." I was about to continue my rant when all of a sudden he yelled in a tone that I never heard in speak in, one filled with so much anger.

"I AM NOT NOT HOLDING YOU ACCONTABLE!! You acted like an idiot and I can't even begin to tell you how much hurt you just caused me! But I'm as much to blame as you! If I hadn't been so impatient with you then you wouldn't have turned to him for comfort! I knew what you were before any of this started and I pursued you, then I broke up with you for you being who you were! So if you acted like an idiot then I was the moron who pushed you into his arms in the first place!" He yelled out and I stood there silently waiting for the contuation that is about to come.

"I have to know though did it happen that one night only?" He asked.

"Yeah, I drove him back to his hotel and his brother was there so I left and I haven't talked to him since." I told him and he came closer to me until there was just a few centimetres between our faces.

"Good, now I know you aren't at least a complete idiot." He said and then he recited a spell which transported us to a hotel room filled with roses and candles. Before I can truly look around we were already on the bed. Our lips, bodies and souls intertwining. Our clothes were off in a mere few minutes and we started making passionate love.

A few hours later

I woke up and started looking around for Carmen to try to find him but I couldn't. I started to freak out when my phone rang. I grabbed it quickly and answered it without looking at the ID hoping it'd be Carmen.

"Hello." I said.

"Rosie, Rosie it's Caroline." Caroline answered frantically.

"Caroline what's wrong?" I asked getting really worried.

"It's Stefan and Damon some guys came into the house while all three of us and Elena were there. I think they were some sort of witches because they broke our necks in a second. I woke up and found only Elena here!" She yelled in to the phone frantically. Before I could answer or escape my shock my phone buzzed and I saw there was a number on hold.

"Caroline, Caroline I'll call you back okay calm down, I'll get you guys, Stefan and Damon back I promise okay but I have to go!" I yelled into the phone and hung up on her quickly and answered the call already knowing who it was.

"You so much as touch one hair on any of their heads. I promise you I will make you pay dearly that you will begging me to kill you." I spat out in disgust and anger but all I got back for an answer is one of her sick laughs.

"Honey I'm not the one who has people she cares about, so I wouldn't go around making empty threats. You listen and listen well after I end this phone call your phone will receive a message with the location of where I'm currently debating which one of your brothers or that fine looking warlock would make a better lunch for my wolves. You come alone and if I even sense the presence of any of your little friends, well you'll have no one but yourself to blame for what happens then." She said and before I could say another word she hung up the phone and exactly as she said l received a message with a location.

Family is Power  (A Vampire Diaries Fan fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now