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Ten Years Later

Rosie's POV

"I don't understand what you boys love so god damn much about this stupid movie?" I asked the guys as I came out of the kitchen and put the popcorn on the table since we were about to watch the Die Hard for the millionth time.

"Your sister didn't just say that! You know I might just reconsider our entire relationship. " Carmen yelled out teasingly as I put my arms around my childish boyfriend. We've been together for ten years now. I can't imagine my life without him anymore. We had a falling out a few years back when he told me he wants to turn. Even though I turned by will, I can't deny that I sometimes regret it especially when I see a child walking by. It ended when I realised he'll go through with it even if I do not agree. So I figured I'll turn him and make it easier for both of us. Then I'd teach him how to adapt to his new lifestyle. We traveled the world together with Staroline and Delena as I like to call my brother and their girlfriends. It just seems a hell of a lot easier. We just settled in New York about two years ago.

Elena finished med school and now works as a pediatrician at Queen's Hospital, she and Damon compelled their way into an apartment at the Upper East Side which was up for sale, and he also owns a bar down in Brooklyn. Every time she feels like she's getting bored he'll whisk her off somewhere exotic. Me and Carmen went off with them once to the Himalayas. Elena bet us all to climb Everest and whoever reaches the top first gets a thousand bucks worth of anything they want. This was only a few weeks after Carmen turned and I thought this experience will help him since he was having trouble controlling the blood lust. We all agreed and I of course being the eldest won. Damon was one hour behind me and Carmen was six hours behind. The poor guy was so embarrassed he was afraid we wouldn't let him live it down. Elena confided in me the fact that even though she knows she can't have her own biological children, but since she herself was adopted and was treated as equally as Jeremy, she wants to talk to Damon about adopting but is afraid of his reaction so I told her I'll sniff him out on the subject.

Stefan and Caroline got engaged last year, they live in New Jersey though. About five years ago, Stefan had a relapse and was a full blown ripper again . Thankfully Caroline managed to bring him back from the edge and now he's on a bunny diet. Which will be difficult to maintain if he lives in a city filled with people. Me and Carmen visit them every weekend. As I remenisced about the past ten years there was a knock on the door. Carmen went and opened it.

"Wantie Rosie!!!" My namesake yelled as she ran through the door and into my arms. Carmen hugged his brother and I grabbed the cutie before going over and greeting Rebekah. Kai and Beks just got married two years ago; he also turned for her. I was so happy when they told me they were adopting a newborn child and naming the baby girl Rosie Hope Mikaelson Albert. Now my lifelong friend has that house with the white fence that she dreamed of having.

Tracy and Enzo got together as well, I have to admit though that in their own twisted way they are perfect together. They were late for our get together that we have every month, so I figured they were probably off somewhere stealing candy from a baby or a diamond necklace from Tiffany who the heck knows.

Leslie and Alaric are living too, he's working as a History Professor at NYU while she's starting her own design company. About three years back Alaric heard from a witch that there was a new cure for vamperisim and taking her cure doesn't mean that you can never be a vampire again like the original cure. He and Leslie decided to take it, have a family and then if they want they'll go back to being vampires again. Me and Tracy felt really worried that we'll end up losing her in a few years but in the end we both agreed that it was her life and her decision. They took it and now the girl is five months pregnant with twins. Me and Tracy agreed that I'll get the boy while she becomes the godmother of the girl.

Anyways things in life have never been better. I have my family, I have an amazing loving guy; Klaus is having his hands full anyway with the wild party girl that is his 15 year old daughter. I finally got to know my parents and not only that but they live right next door from me.

So all's well that ends well.

The End..

I hope you guys loved reading this story as much as I loved writing it.
I know some of you wanted her with Klaus but Rosie spent her entire life feeling like she's running from someone, for her to be with Klaus now would just mean that she will have more responsibility because of his daughter. Carmen gives her this stressfree love and she knows he's all hers and he has loved her through her worst of times.

I wanted you guys to know that I have decided to write a prequal to this story. It will be set in the 1940s and will tell the story of how Tracy, Leslie and Rosie came to be the sisters they are today. I will also add Kol and Rebekah into it and many new characters as well.

And before you guys say it I know that Kol and Rebekah were both daggered before that time and only awoke when Elijah woke them in Season 3. But that's the beauty of Fanfictions we get to change the storylines we do not like.

Now my question is do you guys think I should write this story at all or not?

Thanks again for reading my story throughout the many long waits, you stuck by me and I can't thank you guys enough.

Love You All,


Family is Power  (A Vampire Diaries Fan fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now