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Rosie's POV

Its been a week since my break up with Carmen and my hook up with Klaus. After me and Klaus spent the next day together and I went home. I sat on my bed and thought that maybe I rushed it. I'm not even close to being over Carmen and hooking up with my ex boyfriend wasn't a good way to deal with everything. I couldn't exactly blame Carmen either even though it's been a month since the incident it still haunts my nights. Every part of me wants to let it go but I can't, I never felt more violated in my life, but it wasn't Carmen's fault. I regret the way I spoke to him, the coldness in my voice even though my heart was breaking. It's better this way though, I'm already putting enough people I love in danger, he's the only one I could have pushed away easily. My consuming thoughts were inturupted when someone knocked on the door.

"Come in." I said inviting whoever was behind that door. The person walked in and I looked up and saw it was Stefan.

"Hey." I said softly.

"Hey sister." He replied and came and layed besides me on the bed. I grabbed his arm and put my head on his shoulder.

"You want to tell me what's going on?" He asked me gently.

"Oh you know the usual screwing up my life." I answered.

"Well we all do it every now and again. Especially the ones with the last name Salvatore. Those people do that like phew countless times." He said and I laughed at his sweet attempt to chear me up.

"Want to tell me about it?" He asked.

"What's the point it's not like you can change the past." I told him.

"No, but I can try and make you feel better." He said.

"That's highly unlikely." I replied.

"Try us." Damon replied from the door and came and sat next to us.

"Carmen and I broke up." I just spat out.

"What, why?" Stefan asked sympathetically while Damon just clenched his knuckles probably thinking I'll let him punch Carmen.

"Because he saw me drinking some douchbag's blood outside a club two towns over." I told them fearing they'll give me a beat down for drinking from the vein.

"You drink from the vein?" Stefan asked curiosly.

"So what if she's drinking from the vein, he knew she was a vampire before he decided to chase her. He doesn't get to judge what she does! And he certainly can't get away with hurting my sister like that!" Damon ranted and Stefan just ignored him and stayed on his question.

"No Stefan I haven't drank from the vein in years but all three of us know that straight from the vein blood makes you twice as strong then blood from a blood bag!" I yelled out fearing I was being judged.

"Okay but why do you feel you need to be stronger?" Stefan asked me and I just gave him a "Seriously" look.

"Yeah okay your crazy ex adopted realitve is out to get you but you have nine vampires, two original vampires, the original hybrid and two warlocks and a witch to help you. You don't need to do everything on your own Rosie you can count on us to help you because that's what siblings do! We stand together as one in the face of a threat even if we are at each others throats the other half of the time." Stefan finished off what I knew would be coming from the beginning of this sit down. His lecture.

"Look little brother, I know that you guys have my back and I love you both for it. But this isn't me trying to push the people I love away, this is me trying to protect you guys. Serena has an ENTIRE WEREWOLF army and trust me when I tell you I know just how strong they are. " I told them remembering that awful night.

"Why? What happened in that damned place Rosie and why haven't you talked to any of us about it?" Damon asked with a suprisingly gentle tone.

"I I was attacked." I said stopping the tears from even appearing in my eyes.
"What!!" I suddenly heard snapping me out of my inner thoughts but from the sound of the shreak that wasn't the boys yelling. Suddenly Tracy and Leslie bursted in the room taking the three of us off guard.

"Oh my Rosie!!" They said, they pushed the boys out of the way and ran straight to me with open arms ready to have me cry my eyes out to them. But I refused to cry those basterds aren't worth any years from my eyes.

"Wait hold up Rosie what do you mean by attack?" Damon asked seeming slightly confused. Stefan on the other hand looked like he completely understood as he stared in shock, anger and sadness for me.

"What do you think Damon!? Stefan please tell your idiot brother what attacking a woman means!" Tracy yelled as she kept trying to handle me like I'm a fragile little bird.

"Wait, attack as in attack?" Damon questioned seeming like he finally got it, I nodded as my reply.

"Yes Damon attack as in she was violated by sadistic, horny, awful, poor excuse for men. Now would you leave our sister be and let her rest. She's been through enough she doesn't need you to question her at the moment!" Tracy yelled at Damon and I just shook my head, so to tell her not to yell at him since it wasn't his fault

"Oh my god please find me something to punch, or someone to rip their heads off!" He said and he headed straight to vengeance mode.

"Look I killed the lot of them and the ones who did the crime Klaus and Carmen killed them anyways, so it's over. I just have to heal from this at my own timeline. I don't need any of you doing something stupid as going to try and kill Serena as that bitch will kill any of you guys in a heartbeat if she means breaking me. Because losing any part of my family will do just that and I'm in no mode to face off with that bitch yet so just promise me none of you will go after her. " I lectured them as I got up and headed to the door.

"But.." Damon started but I shook my head not backing down from my command.

"At least.." Tracy started.

"No you have a date with the poor guy you've been rejecting for months, and since you two even know about this because you were easdropping I'm going to make you wear one of my most incredibly sexy dresses!" I yelled out the last part since I exited the room only to be completely stunned by the site in front of me. Carmen was there and by the look on his face he just heard everything.

Elijah's POV

"So you two leave your daughter and her mother completely defenseless in a town where people are trying to kill us half the time to help out his ex girlfriend right her crazy adopted sister?" I lectured both of my younger siblings for their foolish behaviour.

"Oh calm down Elijah, Hayley can take of herself and we left Marcel with them!" Klaus yelled back at me.

" Nick's right Elijah, Rosie is going through alot and she isn't just Nick's ex she's also my best friend!" Rebekah yelled back and I remembered how close the girls were.

"Nick came because he still wants her back I came to help my best friend and I'm not going anywhere until I know for sure she is safe so if you two want to leave feel free to do so but I'm staying!" Rebekah yelled seeming offended by my words.

"Now if you two won't mind I'm going back to my new boyfriend and when you are ready to apologise for trying to micro manage me Elijah, you know where to find me. By the way Nick you're an idiot for hooking up with Rosie after she just broke up with Carmen, you totally used her in her vunreable state and when you are ready to apologise for using my best friend like that again you know where to find me. I suggest you two think of your actions before screwing up like this." Rebekah finished her lecture and walked off. I couldn't deny how impressed I was with my sister's attitude. Looks like Bekah finally got herself back.

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