Judgment and Support

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Stefan's POV

"WHAT WERE YOU THINKING STEFAN!!!" Elena was yelling at me while crying in fear that I like an idiot may have lost us our only chance in getting Damon back, all because I let my loyalty towards a woman who had loyalty to none of her children.

"I'm sorry Elena, you don't need to make it harder than it is I know I screwed up."I tried to reason with her.

"No screwing up would be forgetting your anniversary with Caroline. You're An Idiot!!!!" She kept yelling.

"I did what I thought was right Damon wouldn't have wanted our mother dead even if it means him not being alive." I told her. She looked so stunned by my words. She walked towards me tears still wet in her eyes and I felt an enormous amount of pain in my left cheek. SHE PUNCHED ME!.

"Don't you dare tell me what Damon wants, what he wants is to be here with all of us. But his dumbass little brother messed it up to save a woman he thought was dead for nearly the 200 years he's been alive. Damon wants to be here with me and thanks to you that may never happen." Sh kept yelling at me with so much rage I never thought she could have.

"I did what I thought was right." I said as I tried to get her to understand. I looked over at Caroline who looked at me with love and understanding in her eyes.

"Well you can be the one to tell your brother how you screwed up and let him be the judge of your actions." She said.

"Would you have done it to Isabel to get Jeremy back?" I asked her challengingly.

"What did you just say." She said with shock and disalousion but I needed to prove my point.

"Would you have done it if you were in my position and you had a chance to get to know your mum Isabel again but you realised you needed to kill her in order to save Jeremy would you have done it?" I further explained my question. She paused for a second as if trying to find an answer. And after a moment she said something I never thought she would say.

"Yeah I probably would have." She said quietly and walked away leaving the room and slamming the door behind her. I looked over at Caroline who understandabley tried not to get involved in the fight and I didn't want her to Elena was rightfully upset and she is her best friend. I sat beside her on the bed and placed her head on my shoulder and I placed mine on top of hers. She sighed deeply

"You have something on your mind?" I asked her even thothough I already knew the answer.

"I get why Elena's upset but you did what you thought was the right thing to do. Rosie killing your mum would have been on all three of your conciseness. Rosie for killing her, you if you allowed it to happen and Damon always be thinking that Rosie did it for him." She said and wrapped her arm in mine.

"You so get me, add that to the reasons why I love you." I told her and she lifted her head to face me and I smiled at her sweetly. Then she placed her hand on my cheek and we kissed passionately.  When we both pulled back after a minute or so. She smiled at me and said.

"I love you too, I promise you this now that we know there is a way even though we can't use it now we still found a way, and that means there is still hope. I will help you find another way to bring your brother back." Then she paused for a second and continued.

"Even though he can be an ass." She said and we both bursted in to laughter.

"Come on lets go to bed." She said and I complied.

"In his dream"

"Mum is alive Damon." I told him.

"How is that possible?." He said looking confused.

"She is a vampire, and I need to tell you something. Rosie tried to kill her in order to rip the bone we need for the spell that brings you back." I said and sighed before continuing.

"I stopped her."

He looked at me a little shocked after all it was alot to take in. I started rambling.

"I know you might be mad and you have every right to be but you just need to understand that I did it for all of us." I was about to continue rambling when he stopped me.

"You don't need to explain, I understand why you did it and we will find another way. You did the right thing." He told me with a sincere smile.

"You really believe that?" I asked him hoping he would say he understands.

"I do" He said and a few tears dropped from my eyes. Damon saw it and he hugged me, I hugged my big brother back realiseing in this moment that even if it takes me years I won't stop till I bring my brother back to life.

Author's Note

Don't worry guys it won't take years, just 4 more chapters and Damon and Bonnie come back to life and that's when the real fun begins.

I think my story will be about 40 chapters. Hope you guys stay with me for the next 23 chapters. It will be finished by End of March, mid April Tops.

Family is Power  (A Vampire Diaries Fan fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now