Family Above Everything

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Rosie's POV

I looked in horror at the person who ruined my life before and tried to end it today. I vampire sped out of the bed and grabbed her by the neck and slammed her in to the wall.

"How the hell are you bitch still alive."I spat in anger and she laughed like the psychotic witch she was.

"Honestly little Rosie I thought you would be more happy to see me." She said.

"Be happy to see the woman who ruined my life before and tried to end it this morning. What the hell are you doing here you little Bitch!" I yelled in anger.

"To finish what I started nearly two hundred years ago. Destroy you in every way possible before you beg me to end you." She replied and raised her gun towards Damon's heart.

"Let me go before I make your recently resurrected brother dead once again and this time its for good." She threatened I looked at Damon who was hiding his fear with anger. I let her go hesitantly.

"Oh Rosie, Rosie you never learn." She said and quickly re pointed the gun towards Damon.

"Look you little whiney selfish bitch your problem is with me, leave me brothers out of this." I said.

"Oh so you're offering to die instead?" She said in a sarcastic tone that made me sick.

"Yes I am, just leave my brothers out of this unnecessary, sick, twisted vendetta you have against me." I spat in her face and she still laughed like the evil,psychotic,crazy bitch she was.

"Unnecessary, after you came along you took away all of MY parents love, you stole them from me!" She yelled back and I took the opportunity within her phsycotic distraction and grabbed the gun from her hand while Stefan and Damon held her to the wall.

"Now you whiney, pathatic, little girl." I said but during my threat Damon inturrupted me.

"Oh you forgot crazy and phsycotic." He reminded me.

"Yeah Thanks Man." I thanked him but due to our momentary distraction she got out of Stefan's grip and pinned Damon to the wall with a stake above his heart.

"You know something I really hate those two word." She said and as she raised her arm to stake him and I was running to help him she let her stake go, held her head and started screaming in pain. I realized it was a witch and I looked towards the door and saw it was Bonnie. As I grabbed the stake and was about to stake her with it she vampire sped out of the house.

"Was there anyone else here besides us?" I questioned my brothers, thankfully she hadn't put any werewolf venom in Stefan's system.

"No it was just us. Leslie and Tracy went to pick up your bags from the hotel. Elena and Caroline wanted to be here but they had class and Alaric and Enzo went with Leslie and Tracy." H informed me and I nodded and gave him a hug which he gave me back as he laughed.

"What's this for?" He questioned.

"I can't lose you." I said and looked over at Stefan.

"Either of you." I continued smiling with tears in my eyes and Stefan gave me a smile back and came over and we had a group hug that lasted about a minute or two and when we pulled away, I went over to Bonnie and gave her a hug and she hugged me back.

"I really don't know how I can ever thank you for this." I told her.

"No thanks needed Rosie. I'm just happy you're all okay." She said and turned around to walk away.

"Wait Bonnie!" Damon yelled and she stopped and turned back.

"I guess we should leave you two alone." I said and gestured Stefan to come as well. We went into the room next to it and when Stefan acted like everything was fine when I was trying to here I yelled at him to zip it.

"You know its not polite to eavesdrop right." He said with a judgmental look and I just gave him a smirk.

"And you know I'm no polite right." I answered back and continued to listen in.

"If it hadn't been for you me, my brother and sister we could've all been dead." Damon said.

"Like I told Rosie, Damon no thank you's are needed." She answered back.

"I just want you to know how much I appreciate what you did." He said back.

"I just saved the man I'm falling for." She spat out obviously unknowingly and I was shocked which Stefan noticed.

"Ohh." Was all that came out of Damon's mouth and I heard her leave.

"What what happened?" Stefan asked and before I could answer Damon walked in.

"Were you two listening in?" He asked and I knew I was busted.

"No why would you even think that? " I asked unaware that my voice's pitch just went up to a very high frequency.
"Well for one your voice is about as high as a person screaming at the opera and you just looked like you were terrified as soon as I entered the room." He said while he folded his arms.

"Wait was my voice really that high?" I asked Stefan and he laughed as he nodded.

"Well maybe a little." I downplayed it and Damon shook his head.

"Anyway enough time wasted on my (just recently for more coplicated love life)." He said as he came and sat beside me while I rested my head on his shoulder.

"What are we going to do about the new crazy phsycotic bitch in town?" He asked.

"Easy, we find her, kill her and rip her limp from limp so we can be sure she never shows her face again. I won't let hurt either of you. " I assured them and grabbed each of their hands.

"You're my family, and Family is Above Everything." I said and smiled at them as they smiled back and I got up from the bed.

"Where are you going?" Damon asked.

"To take a shower, its night time and I've been soaked in lake water all day. I stink." I said and walked to the bathroom.


What did you think of the new villan Serena.

Oh and Ps. The picture under Rosie is her.

Oh and don't forget comment, share and vote.

Until the next time my fellow TVD fans.



Family is Power  (A Vampire Diaries Fan fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now