A New Sibling

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Stefan's POV

Paris, France

June 7th 2015

I woke up sweating, I looked up and saw Caroline looking over me with a concerned look in her eyes.

"You were dreaming about him again weren't you"  She asked.

I nodded and stood up.

"I don't why but the dreams lately have become so realistic"I said confused at the sudden change.

She walked over and hugged me, her hug gave me such a warm feeling.I smiled and hugged her back. She looked up took my hand as we sat back on the bed.

"What was the dream about?" she asked.

"It was us back in 1853, I was about six and Damon was eleven"

"Dream sequence"

"Boys stop playing already its time to eat" We heard mother yelling from across the play field.

"Alright Mum we're coming!" Damon yelled back.

He looked for two other rocks and when he found them he tossed me one. He's been trying to teach me how to skip rocks for the past hour.

"You know that father is going to kill us for becoming so unclean" I told him frightened.

He came closer and held my shoulders.

"Hey no one is going to hurt you as long as I'm around you know why?" He asked.

"Because we stick together as one" I waited for him to complete my sentance.

"Always and forever" He finished.

I looked down and looked back up I saw a man standing infront of me.But for some reason I didn't pull back.

"Hey there little brother" the man said.

"Hello"I said confused.

"I know you think you don't know me but you do. I'm your big brother, I died a year ago and you can bring me back to life. You're in the right place you just need to find the answer. Look closely and think clearly and you will. I have faith in you brother you will find the answer after all you were always the one with the ability to find things."

"End of Dream Sequence"

Caroline POV

I looked at the man I love as he told me about the dream.I felt guilty for believing that these vivid dreams are just because it's been a year since Damon's death.

"Hey babe, I know I shouldn't say this but its been a year and you still haven't a way maybe it's because there is no way" I said hoping he won't get mad.

He looked at me with this slightly hurt look in his eyes.

"Look Caroline I know you are worried about me but I can't give up on my brother because if the situation was reversed he wouldn't have given up on me."

I decided not to say anymore and nodded in defeat.He changed clothes and started walking towards the door.

"Stefan, come on where are you going" I asked.

He came back and kissed me. His kisses always gave me that tingling feeling that never went away. He looked at me with the smirk that just made me laugh every time.

"Don't worry Care I'm not mad I just wana take a walk and clear my head." He answered.

"You want company?" I asked hoping he'd say yes because I didn't want to leave him alone.

"No thanks I just wana be alone right now."

I noded and he smiled gave me a quick kiss goodbye and he left.

Stefan's POV

I walked down the streets of Paris remembering a conversation I once had with Damon when he told me all about Paris's beauty. I realised he was right , as I kept thinking about him I felt tears were going down my face. I realised in this past year how much I love my brother and how much I forgot to tell him. I walked down thw streets and heard someone call my name from a what seems like a empty alley.

I walked away thinking I was just imagining then I heard it again.

"Stefan". I walked back and entered the alley. I walked carefully and as I was about to walk away someone pushes me to the ground as I was about to fight back I looked up and saw a women who pushed me back. From her strength I could tell she was a vampire. But I was too I twisted her hand grabbed her neck and hit her head to the wall.

"Who the hell are you, and how the hell do you know my name!"I yelled.

"Oh come on baby brother that's no way to treat your Big Sister." She said.

I looked at her in shock. Next thing I know she's holding my neck.

"I do hate bad manners." She answered then a second later I felt my neck snap.

Family is Power  (A Vampire Diaries Fan fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now