Downward Spiral

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Rosie's POV

Its been two weeks since Serena held us hostage. The nightmares are always there every night waiting for me to close my eyes so they can haunt me. The basterds that did this to me are all dead so unfortunately I couldn't make them suffer. But I vowed to myself the day they saved me that I will not put myself in a position to need rescuing never again. I will not pretend that my family will understand , so I will just keep my midnight activities to myself. Even though me and Carmen have gotten closer he's not a vampire and I doubt he ever felt powerless, so he can't know . I snuck out when they all fell asleep like I've been doing for the past two weeks. I drove about 15 miles before I found another town. I went into the first club I saw and knocked out a few dirtbags before I finally made it to the bar.

"Bloody Mary." I told the waiter and a few minutes later he brought me the drink. I took a few sips before I saw a guy slipping a pill into a girl's drink.

"Got you." I said and gulped down the rest of my drink before drunkly walking over to the guy and whispering in his ear.

"Come with me to the ally, no strings and you wouldn't even need a sedative." I said and grabbed him by the hand, stringing him along bumping into the girl to make her drop her drink. I pulled him outside and as soon as we were in the ally he pushed me against the wall. Before he could go any further I pushed him onto the ground and I was on top of him.

"Haha you like to play tough do you." He said laughing and I smiled at him before grabbing him by the neck.

"Oh you have no idea." I told him.

"Now be a good boy and don't make a sound." I compelled him before I grabbed his head and sunk my teeth into his neck drawing out his blood. I kept drinking for aawhile and I can feel the life being sucked out of him before I was interrupted.

"Rosie what the hell are you doing?!" I heard Carmen yelling at me from the back and I pulled my teeth out.

"Don't remember any of this, oh and stop being a dick that roofee's girls and focus on something productive asshole." I compelled him before giving him some of my blood for him to heal and he left. I turned to Carmen knowing that I was about to get a lecture that I seriously wasn't in the mood for.

"What?" I asked him annoyed at the look he was giving me.

"I thought you said that you don't drink from the vein?" He asked me and I nodded.

"I did. Then." I answered him.

"You almost killed him." He said and as much as his hurt face was killing me he just doesn't understand.

"He was going to destroy an innocent girl's life and as you can see he is fine." I pointed out to him.

"And what about you?" He asked and I got confused.

"What about me?" I asked him.

"Are you fine, Rosie what the hell happened to you in that place?!" He yelled at me and I got annoyed so I started walking away.

"None of your business." I muttered and he quickly grabbed me by the arm and pulled me back.

"You know damn well that's not true." He said and I pushed him in his chest backwards.

"I don't want to talk about it." I told him coldly even though tears were forming in my eyes.

"Well I can't be with someone who shuts herself off and deals with stuff by nearly killing people." He said and even though I felt my heart being torn apart. I put on a brave face.

"Well if that's what you want that's fine I guess." I said coldly and used my vampire speed to quickly get to my car and I drove away. I kept driving for a while before I finally reached a beach. I hadn't even noticed the tears that kept streaming down my face. What more did Serena want from me, she made my life a living hell and now I've lost the only other person that I was falling for. I go out of the car yo get some fresh air and some perspective. I sat on the sand for awhile before I decided something.

"Screw it." I said to myself and I undressed. I was down to my underwear before I jumped headfirst into the water. I swam for a while before I felt something touching my waist from the back I turned around and saw Klaus standing behind me.

"Damn it Klaus!" I yelled at him and hit him on the chest while he laughed.
"You're cute when you are angry." He told me and I smiled, he pushed a hair off of my face.

"He doesn't get you." He said and I realised he followed me too.

"You followed me too, is the all mighty phycotic Klaus Mikaelson here to give me a lecture as well." I said in my best snarky tone and he just shook his finger.

"Oh yeah I forgot you don't do lectures." I answered my question and he laughed.

"But I did enjoy watching Carmen make an idiot of himself. " He said and I just got annoyed.

"So you enjoyed him breaking up with me. Jee Thanks." I said and I started getting out of the water when he pulled me back and my back became pressed to his chest.

"I enjoyed him making you unspoken for. Because now I can do this." He said and he kissed my neck. Something in me wanted to tell him stop but it was as if the cat got my tongue and I was becoming lost for words.

"And this." He said and then he bit my ear. I was becoming speechless and out of breath.

"And this." He said and he turned me around harshly and there was nothing more than a few centimetres between our faces.

"Damn it." I said out loud and grabbed his face and our lips crashed. He carried me and we started making love in the back seat of my car.

Family is Power  (A Vampire Diaries Fan fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now