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Rosie's POV

"Wakey, Wakey Sleepy Head." I said as I saw finally Elijah wake up. He held his neck and then when he realised what happened, he started shaking nervously.

"Hey Easy, easy there buddy." I told him as I handed him the second coffee cup in my hands, that I got for him. He smiled as soon as he smiled and I smiled back at him.

"What Happened?" He asked as he held his head from the severe headache he's probably enduring right now.

"Oh you know, my now dead psychotic adopted sister admitted that you two had a scandalous love affair back in the 1800's, that ended because she found out you were actually in love with me. You know the usual." I filled him in as I took a sip from my coffee.

"Un bloody believable, oh Rosie I'm so sorry I never wanted you to find out and especially not like this. You don't have to worry about it anyways it was a long time ago and I'm in love with someone else." He said obviously worried that I'll give him a beat down for not telling me about all of this.

"Hayley right? The mother of Klaus's daughter?" I asked him curiously. He looked at me with a slightly embarrassed look as he nodded. I went over to him and gave him a kiss on the cheek.

"Elijah, you've always been an older brother to me, finding out you had feelings for me two hundred years ago won't change that. You, Rebekah, Klaus and even Kol, you all welcomed me into your home back then and you became my family. You still are, no matter what." I reassured him and we shared a friendly smile.

"So what have you been up too in the past two hundred years?" He asked and we began catching up until I remembered something very important.

"Did you know me and Kol had a hell of a lot of fun in the 1940's? We went on a rampage through Europe. Based on the new British text books we managed to truly put ourselves in the history books. I think we were called The Blood Robbers, I do miss the crazy bastard." I said with a devious smile on my face as I remembered my wild times.

"Well you two together, I guess its only fitting. Yeah Kol was many things but he knew how to throw a party." He said and we both shared a laugh. We kept talking for a while before we were interrupted with a knock on the door.

"Come in." Elijah said and it turns out it was Rebakah.

"Time to head home brother. You ready?" She asked him and he nodded. I stood up and went over to my sister.

"I'll miss you Rosie, take care of yourself okay. I promise I'll visit sooner than you think." She said reassuring me.

"You better, you're the only sister I ever had and I'll always need you Beks." I said and looked at them knowing that the hardest goodbye has still not happened. It was as if Rebekah read my mind since she looked at me with sympathy knowing that how hard this is for me. I left Elijah's room and headed over to his. I knocked on the door but it was already open so I entered.

"Hey." I said and he looked up at me.

"Heard you had quite a night." He said and I scuffed.

"That's the understatement of the century." I said sarcastically and he smiled his famous half smile.

"And now that your crazy adopted sister is amongst the dead, I need to know Rosaline. What or more politically who do you choose?" He said opening the conversation that I didn't have the heart to open. I sat beside him on the bed and sighed in sadness.

Family is Power  (A Vampire Diaries Fan fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now