The Battle Of The Warehouse

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Klaus's POV

We drove for nearly an hour before reaching the coordinates on my phone. We parked a bit to the back to not be spotted easily but I could see the big warehouse where they are in. I got out of the car with Rebekah followed by the rest, I'd admire that girl's capabilities if she didn't have the love of my life in there. We moved slowly to not be spotted. I saw Rebekah talking with Kai while they were hiding behind a tree branch keeping an eye in case a person came towards us, I decided to listen in and see what they were talking about.

"Look I'm sorry okay." He was whispering but for some reason it sounded more like him yelling. She didn't respond.

"Sorry for what exactly, acting like an ass or threatening my brother like an ass." She said sarcastically.

"What did you expect me to do he was probably going to kill Carmen!" He said it with the same tone again.

"Well I expected you to stay out of it since your brother was just looking for a way to badmouth him in front of Stefan and Damon so they'll be at his side during this war the boys have for her." She said and I smiled at my sister's sneakeanes.

"Well I..I...Ughhh!" He said while failing to have a response to my sister's speculation and I smiled. I stopped listening in and turned my attention to try and understand what was happening inside.

"Alright we need to devise a plan which can get them out quickly without anyone of us dying in the process." Stefan said and just a second later, I heard a scream from a voice I would recognise anywhere. It was Rosie, I couldn't retain myself and before anyone can stop me I grabbed a branch next to me and broke it in two and I used my vampire speed and ran over there. I coulfd hear Stefan yelling from afar but Damon was already bedside me followed by Alaric. The three of us stormed into that warehouse like mad men.

Alaric's POV

I followed Damon and Klaus into that warehouse and I started looking around terrified that something might have happened to Leslie who has managed to open my heart in the few days that I've known her. I found her strapped on to a table with a figure over her stabbing her with a wooden stake. I ran over there and pushed the figure out of the way. I looked at her frightened face and her teary eyes.

"Hey." I said soothingly as I caressed her face to make her know she was okay.

"Alaric." She said confused and in obvious disbelief.

"Yeah, yeah its me." I told her and started removing the chains off of her. As soon as the chains were off of her she hurriedly hugged me as I calmed her down.

"Leslie run now!" I told her quickly.

"What no I can't leave you guys!" She responded quickly.

"I can't kill these idiots and worry about you at the same time now go!" I yelled at her and she nodded and ran.

"You know you just spoiled my fun right?" The guy I knocked out before woke up and asked.

"And you know I don't care right?" I plainly replied and we began to fight.

Klaus's POV

As soon as I walked into that warehouse. I heard Rosie scream once again. I followed the noise and it led me to a locked door, when it refused to open I knocked it out and stormed into that room, to find a room full of dead men and a limp body on the floor with a man over it. I knew it was Rosie.

"Get off of her!" I yelled and they looked at me they both stood up as if they have a chance against me. They moved towards me and I simply put both hands in their chests and riped their hearts out. I dropped them and ran straight to Rosie. The first thing that I noticed was the huge bite mark that was killing her. I quickly bit my arm and grabbed her head and rested it on my chest as I forced my blood down her throat. Carmen came rushing in holding a gun looking around for any possible threat. The minute he saw Rosie he ran towards us and grabbed her hand.

"What is it?" He asked and I hated that I noticed his genuine fear for her life.

"She's been bitten and by the looks of it one of these bastered realised a huge amount of werewolf venom in to her system." I explained to him.

"You can save her right?" He asked looking at me pleadingly.

"I'm trying but she's passed out and isn't swallowing my blood." I informed him.

"Okay, okay I can handle that." He said frantically and rubbed his hands together. He put his hands on her head and started chanting. Not a minute later she woke up startled.

"Hey,hey its okay, its okay you are safe." I told her in a soothing voice. I bit my arm again.

"Drink Rosie quickly the amount of venom in your system could kill you in the next couple of minutes." I said and forced my arm into her mouth. She grabbed it and swallowed thr blood down quickly.

"Thank you, both of you. You saved my life." She said and me and him laughed at how sweet she was. She got up and I grabbed a hold of her to keep her steady.

"Its fine, I'm fine I just need to help my friends." She said and held her head again as she fell back once again but thankfully I caught her. I looked at Carmen and he looked back at me making me realise that he was thinking the same thing I was. He waved his hand over her face and she closed her eyes passing out into my arms.

"Are they okay?" I asked him and he nodded.

"Alaric got Leslie out and Stefan got Tracy out too while Damon fought off Serena. But she got away before he could finish her off. The girls were outside killing the rest of her crew." He filled me in and I nodded.

"The most important thing right now is that the girls are safe we'll kill that phsyco bitch on another day." I told him and extended my hand for him to shake and he took it.

"You maybe after the girl I'm falling for but I don't want to fight with you. Believe it or not Klaus I respect you." He said and I was touched.

"The feeling is mutual Carmen." I told him with a smile.

"So let's just agree to not let our mutual respect for each other dissappear no matter who she ends up choosing." He said and I nodded in agreement. I carried her outside and handed her over to Stefan and gave Damon some of my blood to heal his wound. Alaric took Leslie with him and Enzo carried Tracy while Stefan carried Rosie away. They all left with Bonnie,Elena and Caroline. I left with Rebekah and Carmen left with his brother. At least everyone lived to fight that woman another day.

Family is Power  (A Vampire Diaries Fan fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now