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This Is Second Part Of The Battle Chapter.

Rosie's POV

"What the hell is going on!?" I yelled confused but it was as if my voice was rendered mute.

"You're here!" She yelled out happily as she wrapped her arms around him as he stood still for some reason not telling me what the hell is going on. With the rage inside of me and the uncontrollable desire I had to kill the bitch I simply grabbed her from her hair again twirled her body and threw her against the wall all over again. She fell but she shaked it off quicker than the last time. She came straight at me but Elijah stood in between us facing her, and I could swear I could her his face muscels tense up from his scowl.

"You touch her Serena, you'll have to go through me." He said in his calm yet chilling voice that would send shivers of fear down any person's spine. Yet she reacted by giggling her sick little laugh and I stared in confusion still not understanding what was going on.

"After all this time? After she hooked up with your brother again and hadn't given you a second thought for now nearly two centuries, while I have done all of this in your honour! You still choose her over me! You still love her more than you love me!" She yelled out as water oozed out of her eyes and she looked like an alien excreating fluids. I honestly didn't care though because I was too busy thinking I've gone nuts and started hearing things.

"Excuse me? Did you just say love? Elijah she's lying right?" I started asking the questions that have been pilling in my head for the past few minutes. He looked back at me with a look of guilt and embaressment, I returned that look with one of shock as my eyes widened and I stared in disbelief as my head litteraly started to spin.

"It started after I kicked you out of the house, I met Elijah and I fell deeply in love with him and he seemed to return my love. That is until you reemerged into my life and met Klaus. He never introduced me to his family but when he started to pull away from me I went to his house and before I could ambush him; I saw you walking with him in the garden and I saw the way he looked at you. I confronted him about it and he plainly admitted that he was falling in love with you but he compelled me to forget that I ever saw you in his house and then to his unlucky advantage I crossed an area with a boundary spell similar to the one placed on that town nearby and to his unlucky advantage my compulsion broke and on my way to confront him I got hit by a car and come vampire gave me his blood in order to heal me. I died of internal bleeding afterwards anyway and I got transformed into a vampire. I ran so he couldn't find me. Basically thanks to you I lost my parents love and then you stole the love of my life." She told me and I rolled my eyes at her pathetic attempt to garner my sympathy with her little sob story.

"Is it true Elijah?" I asked sympathetic to him being so harshly exposed regarding his feelings for me but uncaring about his little affair with the lunatic.

"Every word Dearest Rosaline and that is why I stayed after I heard who my siblings were helping you fight. I caused this and now...." He was saying but I had enough so I vampire sped towards him and broke his neck, he fell into my arms and I gently placed him on the floor before standing up again and clapping my hands together to clean the dirt from this filthy place off.

"Well that's enough of that." I simply said while she stared in shock.

"You stupid girl, you just killed the one person here who would have gotten you out of this alive!" She yelled out in anger.

"Honey I don't need protection because I'll break you like a twig, and I grew bored of Elijah's lecture since besides he wouldn't have let me kill you either, and I did promise the universe there will be one less phsyco bitch running around. I'm not one to not fulfil a promise. So that little lecture had to end before I fell asleep since I have no desire to hear how a person I think of as my elder brother got controlled his hormones that he wouldn't see that light bleeping Psycho, Psycho! Either way when he wakes up you'll be too dead to try and get him to fall for your little theatrics. Now you are going to throw the first punch or are we going to be here all day." I said concluding my rant as she got as angry as I expected her to get and started trying her best to hit me in any way she could but I kept dodging, deflecting and stopping her attacks. When she got tired that's when I took my chance, I punched her in the face, then the stomach, then I kicked her in the face and kicked her in the stomach with such force that she fell to the ground. I stood above her and pushed my hand into her chest and held her heart in my hands.

"Besides it's better if the poor guy doesn't get your germs all over him since he's always been a neat freak." I said and before I could finally end this once and for all. I felt myself losing the grip I had on her heart and being lifted in the air. I looked in front of me and saw one of her stupid minions.

"Knew you couldn't finish the fight on your own huh? I guess I should be flattered. " I said with a smug smile to piss her off but she looked unfazed since she currently had the advantage.

"I call him my little insurance policy. " She said with her own cocky smile. Just as I was about to start getting a little bit scared, the guy got hit on his head and I fell to the ground. I put my hands above my head and pushed myself off the ground.

"Well I reckon you need to get your money back." Carmen said from behind and even though I was pissed that he came back and put himself in such danger I couldn't help but smile.

"You little." She said as she started moving towards him in attack mode but I grabbed her heart from behind and not wanting to take anymore chances with anymore smug comments I twisted her heart a bit so to make sure the last thing she'll remember is pain and then I tore it out of her.

"Well who can blame the poor guy I was obviously better looking and then of course there is the whole you were a gigantic phsyco! But anyway now that's out of the way." I said and I threw her heart above her body and suddenly I heard alot of things drop on to the ground. I looked at Carmen who first handed me his handkerchief which I used to wipe the blood off of my hands, after I was done we went to the closed room and opened it to find at least two dozen men lying still on the floor.

"That's why she was so strong. She linked her life and strength to all of these people." I said now understanding the final piece of the once mysterious puzzle.

"Come on babe let's get Elijah and get the hell out of this place." Carmen said as he pulled me away from the awful sight. Suddenly Damon and Stefan came through the door.

"Well we went and brought a little insurance of our own." Damon said as he and Stefan held out the gasoline tanks in their hands. Stefan handed his over to Carmen and he and Damon started pouring the gasoline all over the place while me and Stefan grabbed Elijah and pulled him outside while we waited for them. After about five minutes they came out and Carmen held out a box of matches.

"Since it was your fight and you who ended it. Would you like the honour?" He said as he held out the box for me to take.

"Hell yeah I don't kick her ass and destroy her mentally and physically then you get to set an entire place on fire!" I said without hesitation and grabbed it from him, all three of them laughed at my weird entuthisam about setting something on fire but I don't care because I love doing it. I pulled out a match and lit it.

"Goodbye Serena, may your soul burn as your body is about to right now." I said and I threw it in. I watched as the fire grew and spread, I watched as it slowly made her way to her body. I watched the person who was consumed of jealousy and hatred that she never really had a chance to even be a remotely decent person. The fire grew and soon the roof of the place was falling to the ground and I decided that I've seen enough. I turned around to find the people I love. I turned away from my burning past and finally moved forward to the future.

Family is Power  (A Vampire Diaries Fan fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now