This Can't Be Happening

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Damon's POV

"NO WAY IN HELL!!" I exclaimed as Lara pressured on her crazy and obsurd theory that Elena's BEST FRIEND has feelings for me. I mean its not that crazy after all I am me but the crazy part is the fact that Bonnie has always hated me. Sure when we were sort of certain we were gonners we had a moment and she's become one of the few people I can actually talk to without having an urge to kill them. But her having feelings for me makes absolutely no sense. When the hell did this even begin. I don't want to admit it but I'm seriously freaking right now, but I have to keep my cool in front of the witches.

"Why would I lie to you?!" She asked.

"I'm not saying you're lying I'm saying your nuts!" I replied.

"Oh yeah that's better are you a natural born moron!" She yelled obviously annoyed.

"This this doesn't even make any sense Bonnie HATES ME!" I infisis on hate.

"Well Obviously she doesn't anymore!" She continued with her yelling.

"If this is true then why are you even telling me this?" I ask her.

"Because the next time your girlfriend finds a way to visit you , don't go running to Bonnie telling her all about how the guy she has feelings for is actually with her best friend!". She yells at me as if stating the obvious.

"We-well I didn't know than did I!" I yell back defensively.

"Well you do now so please don't keep talking about it because than you will be hurting her intentionally and that's not fair." She says and walks away leaving me with my thoughts. After being lost in my mind for I don't know how long I see Bonnie coming towards me obviously aware that I now know about her feelings.

"Hey" She says.

"Hey yourself." I reply careful with my tone.

"I take it Lara told you." She cuts right through the bullshit she knew would come out of my mouth.

"Yep" I say popping the P.

"Look Damon I'm not expecting anything from you and I'm especially not excpecting you to reciprocate my feelings, I know how much you love Elena, and you know who knows maybe my feelings for you will go away when I see Jeremy again." She says and starts walking away leaving me with my thoughts but all I could think of was four words.

This Can't Be Happening.

Bonnie's POV

I had to back away from him and tell him that. I know what I feel isn't a rebound but Damon belongs with Elena. I won't be the reason my best friend doesn't get her happy ending with the guy she loves and who I'm sure adores her.

Elena's POV

I have locked myself in my dorm room for the past couple of days wearing Damon's signature leather jacket. Not wanting to even begin to comprehend the possibility of never being in his arms again. I just wanted to feel his lips pressed against mine again, to be in his muscular arms again, to be able to have the future that I only saw I could have. A future with him by my side. I know we are never going to be able to have our own kids but I pictured maybe thirty years from now we could adopt and have a family. I wanted nothing more than that life with him. But that is all over now. I got off the bed and went to the counter where I saw a bottle of Bourbon on it. I poure myself a glass and gulped it down even though I hated it but hey I just lost the love of my life so I'm making an exception. I was about to gulp down my second one when I heard someone disagreeing from the back. I looked back only to see Rosie.

"Gulping down alcohol to make the problems go away, you really are my brother's girl." She said and I gulped it down as my way of telling her to leave if she wants to judge.

"Well you showed me." She said sarcastically. And rolled my eyes as I turned back around to pour myself another drink.

"I thought you were gone." I said.

"Well I very well wasn't going to leave especially since I haven't raised Damon yet." She replied and I laughed at the ridiculous words she was saying I turned back after closing the bottle only to have her look at me obviously annoyed but I honestly didn't care.

"Well Rosie you are free since there is no way to bring him back thanks to your idiot brother who chose a woman who he barely even remembers instead of the brother he claims to love." I say getting angry for just recalling what happened as I went to my bed and grabbed my pillow.

"Okay that's it!" She yells.

And before I know it she grabs me by the throat and shoves me hard to the wall.

"Listen here you whiny bitch. You are not the only one who wants Damon back. And for you to be the woman who claims to be inlove him and act this way it's ridiculous , absurd and downright pathetic. Now I came here to tell you the warlock who's going to perform the spell needed to bring him back knows another way to do so but seeing you act this way made me change my mind about you!" She yelled angirly but then puts me down.

"Look I know you've lost a lot of people but you're not the only one who went through crap growing up. If anything this should make you more determined to bringing Damon and your best friend back. Not make you sit here feeling sorry for yourself when they are the ones who don't know whether or not they will ever see their families and friends again." She said but more calmly and turned to go to the door but before she opened it she turned around to say one thing.

"And by the way don't blame Stefan he did what he thought was right but hhehe's his brother too and he has loved him for many lifetimes long before either one of us even met them. He wants him back just as much as either one of us if not more." With that note she walked out.

"There is another way." I say to myself. I fall to the floor still in shock. This can't be happening.


What do you guys think of Damon's dilema, Bonnie's Sacrifice, Rosie's Anger And Elena's Depression Sound out on the comments below and would really love it if you guys vote.

PS. Only TWO More Chapters And We Get The Big Damon And Bonnie Resurrection Chapter.


Spoiler Alert. A reveal, A confession, THREE arrivals, a need for guidance , a bonding experience, a sacrafice, a redemption and a broken heart.

Where and when this will all happen well my dear readers you'll just have to read on to find all of this out.



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