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Rosaline's POV

As I woke up I looked to my right to see Elena waking up as well.

"I don't want how to thank you." She said with tears in her eyes.

"No need too I'm glad it worked though. I'm sure seeing you helped Damon a lot as wel." I told her reassuringly.

She smiled at me and I smiled back. Caroline was on the phone so I took the opportunity to ask Elena about her and Damon.

"Well, you probably already know I was with Stefan first." She started nervously as if afraid of my reply and probably disapproval over the fact that she dated both of my brothers. But I smiled at her reassuringly and tried to crack a joke to make her lighten up.

"Yeah I know, you aren't going to start hitting on me as well right."

She laughed hysterically and I continued to make fun of her.

"I mean you can't like your nice and all Elena but I prefer guys so sorry." I said teasingly and she grabbed the pillow next to her on the bed and threw it on me with vampire force. I wasn't focused enough to catch it and hit my hard and for some reason I kept laughing!!!!

"Hey Stefan just called somethings up he wants us to meet him by" Caroline was saying but me and Elena were laughing too hard to pay attention. Caroline looked at me sternly.

"Seriously Rose you guys have known each other half a second and you already made Elena go crazy!" Caroline yelled in frustration.

I looked at Elena and we tried to hold it in and I gave Caroline my best pouty face. As she was about to calm down and start talking I looked at Elena and we started laughing harder making Caroline even more mad. After a few seconds me and Elena felt bad so we stopped and Caroline told us that we are meeting Stefan by the town borders. So we rushed out of their dorm room in human speed and tried to make a run for it. I was so worried that something went wrong but that didn't stop me from staying still in my place when I heard a familiar voice call out my name.

"Rosaline." He said. I would recognise that voice anywhere I only met him once but I didn't want to know anymore he's the reason all of this happened.

"Dad." I gasped in shock.

Elena and Caroline came running back when they realised that I stopped moving and was staring at someone. Elena and Caroline spoke at the same time.

"Who is this?" They asked me slowly as the man who helped in my conception moved slowly from the shadows.

"He's my father." I told them still shocked.

Damon's POV

I went back but it but this time I wasn't sad I regained my hope. Seeing her again reignited a flame in my heart that only sparked by the memory of her. I saw Bonnie standing nearby and I went straight towards her.

"Bonnie, Bonnie!" I yelled excitedly as I pinned down her arms.

"Okay easy there big fellow what's got you in such a good mood?" She asked obviously amused by the situation.

"I saw her Bonnie I saw her." I told her excitingly.

"Who your sister?" She asked confused.."You've been seee her for months what's the big deal." She continued.

"No not Rosaline, I saw Elena." I answered excitingly.

"What?" She asked/yelled confused.

"I'm not kidding she was right in front of me Bonnie and she looked beautiful. " I sighed. I told her everything that happened. But all the while she had this confusing look on her face as if she was trying to smile but can't. Probably just because she misses her Best Friend.

"I'm really happy for you." She said and hugged me.

Are You? I though in my head.

"I should probably go check up on Lilly." She told me softly.

"Okay, we will see them again Bonnie, all of them." I answered back reassuringly.

She smiled at me and answered.

"I know." And walked away.

"What was that about?" I asked myself quietly.

"She has feelings for you my friend." One of Bonnie's witchy friends answered back abruptly. And I looked at her as realisation of what she just said set in.

Stefan's POV

I went to see Sherif Forbes after she called me saying its urgent.

When I got there she was standing besides my mother's grave. And it was dug open. She was staring at it with suprise and confusion. I rushed there using vampire speed. Hoping nothing was wrong.

"What is it Sherif?" I asked worridly.

"Your mother's name was Amelia Salvatore right?" She asked and I nodded.

"You may want to take a look." She said gesturing to the grave. I looked in confused. I gasped in horrer when I realised the casket was empty.

"How, how is this possible?" I asked myself utterly confused.

"Because I'm still alive Stefan. " I heard a familiar womanly voice come from behind me. I was too shocked when I realised where I had heard that voice before.  I swallowed some of the water to regain consciousness of my mouth to be able to speak.

"Mum?" I said out loud. And she walked towards me showing herself from the shadows.

"Hello my darling boy." She said softly.

And I looked at her still in shock.

Family is Power  (A Vampire Diaries Fan fiction) (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now