You Don't Deserve Her

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Carmen's POV

I looked in horrer as Rosie's limp body fell into my arms. I fell to the ground cradling her. I looked above and saw a woman I didn't recognize but when I looked at Rosie's face as she stared in horrer I knew she did. I turned Rosie's back over amd pulled the stake out and as I was placing it on the ground a gun went off and Rosie screamed. I saw the wooden bullets pierce her back and before I knew it the woman who tried to kill Rosie was gone and her brothers were right beside me with everyone at their tail.

"What happened?" Damon asked as he pulled the first bullet out and Rosie screamed and I started to panic.

"I don't know, I don't know we were kissing and suddenly a woman drove a stake into her stomach and when I pulled it out she fired a gun filled with wooden bullets.

"What did you say her stomach?!" Damon asked yelling and I nodded and when I looked down at Rosie I knew why he started panicking too the wound wasn't healing.

"Shit, Rebekah call your brother now, tell him to get here in a matter of seconds she won't make it past five minutes!" Damon yelled at Rebekah and she complied panicking as well.

"Wait what's happening?" I asked starting to get really worried.

"The bullets and the stakes were laced with werewolf venom, it can kill us and the only cure is Klaus's blood." Stefan explained as he, Tracy and Leslie comforted Rosie while Damon, Alaric and Elena were pulling out the bullets.

"He's not answering!!" Rebekah yelled panicking.

"Keep trying Rebekah!!" Stefan yelle back obviously scared for his sister.

"Answer you basterd, pick up the goddam phone!" Rebekah yelled as she tried her phone again. I started pacing around as Kai tried to comfort me but with no avail.

Klaus's POV

I was so angry at Rosie for running away like that. Why can't she that I've never stopped loving her and I would do anything to get her back. I got so frustrated I punched the tree next to me. My phone kept ringing and everytime I looked I saw it was Rebekah. When she ran for what seemed like the millionth time I answered.

"Not in the mood Rebekah." I angrily said.

"Nick listen to me we're over by the lake. Someone filled Rosie's body with a ton of werewolf venom. She'll be dead in two minutes if you don't get here now!" She yelled on the phone. I dropped and ran to the lake quickly. I saw all of them sitting around her limp body as Damon was seemingly pulling the bullets out. I walked over there afraid of the site until Rebekah spotted me and ran and dragged me over to her. I saw her become emotionless and I panicked and grabbed my arm and bite it quickly, then I grabbed her head and put my arm in her mouth. She didn't suck in at first which worried me but in a minute or so she started sucking the blood in and she grabbed my arm and sucked in more as I carassed her hair. After she drank enough to heal her she passed out in my arm and I grabbed her and carried her to bring her back to her room at the hotel. But before I could move Carmen stopped me.

"Where do you think you're going with her?" He said and I removed the hand he had on my shoulder.

"If you haven't noticed Carmen she just went through a terrible ordeal and she passed out from the pain. I was going to take her to her room." I answered and started to walk away again when he stood in front of me yet again.

"Oh no you won't pal if anyone is going to take her that would be me." Carmen spatted in my face and I thought if Rosie wouldn't hate me than I would have snapped his neck.

"Look Klaus get it through your head, you and Rosie are done, she's with me now whether you like it or not and I won't let you come between us." He threatened.

"Here is the problem mate, there is no us between you two. You two hardly know each other." I corrected him.

"We know enough. She knows the most important thing that I'll never let her down like you did. You don't deserve her Klaus." He said and before I could answer Stefan yelled from the back.

"Neither of you idiots deserve my sister!" He yelled and we both looked at him in shock.

"Yeah Stefan is right look at you two morons fighting over her who will take her to her room after she just almost died!" Damon added and went over and took Rosie out of my arms.

"Me and Stefan will take her with us while you two can stand here and fight all you want." He said and took her away with the rest following his lead.

Rosie's POV

I woke up and looked around to find myself in a weird room,I panicked and jumped out of bed.

"Hey, hey sister it's okay." I heard someone say and looked to my left to see Damon and Stefan sitting beside me holding my hand.

"Oh my god." I said and sighed in relief.

"What happened?" I asked them.

"You were shot with werewolf venom laced bullets and stabbed with a stake which was laced with it too. You almost died Rosie." They explained and flashbacks appeared before me as I remembered who did this to me.

"Who did this to you Rosie?" Stefan asked.

"Someone I didn't think I will see ever again, someone who ruined my life before and I think she's back to do it again." I said cryptically.

"Who is she?" Damon asked.

"The couple mother left me with had an older daughter, she grew so petty and jealous that they loved us equally that the moment they died she kicked me out of my home." I explained further.

"Who is she?" They asked at the same moment.

"I'm her adopted older sister boys." I heard her voice standing outside the bedroom door.

Family is Power  (A Vampire Diaries Fan fiction) (Completed)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum