prince Ralph (2)

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A/N - Hi guys, I have been getting a lot of requests recently so please bear with me but I am trying my best to deliver some new chapters for you, I have all your ideas written down on a list so keep an eye out ♡ - Jades

Imagine: Ralph is being forced to marry another woman but you crash the wedding to confess your love :)


'Well, this is it...Time to tell him that you love him'

I look at myself in the mirror. I look good. Not like a princess, but it's good enough.

Looking at the time, I have half an hour until they say I do. The thought of her makes me mad, I know she's only marrying him for the alliance. I'd marry him for true love.

Grabbing my hooded shawl, I swiftly cover myself so I'm unidentifiable, the only feature you can see are my lips. 

The streets are lined filled with locals who are celebrating, I sneak around the back streets cautiously, not wanting to create a scene. 

I had just made my way to the castle steps when a guard blocked my way. "Excuse me, ma'am, no invitation? No entry."

"It's at home but I don't have time to get it" I replied. I proceeded to walk around him but again, he blocked my path. He peered down at me with an ill-disposed glare. "No invitation. No entry." 

"Please! I have to get in. If I go all the way home now I'll miss the wedding!" I pleaded.

He chuckled before losing all emotion in his face. "Don't care, scram."

"Look, if you do not let me in we're gonna have a serious problem!"

He raises his eyebrow and in a swift moment, my ass is landing on the kerb in a heap. "SCRAM!" He yells, dusts his hands, and goes back to his spot.

I huff. "What a dick" I muttered.

A passerby heard and almost had a heart attack. "That's no language for a young lady to use."

"Shut up" I flip them off before picking myself up and walking away. The castle bells began to ring and I halt, the wedding is starting! 

Glancing back, I know there's no way that guard is gonna let me past. Just when I think there's no hope, I notice a scullery maid heading around the back of the castle. That gives me an idea...


"More dishes!" The cook screeches out. 

It's hot in the kitchen, disgustingly hot as the servents run around carrying trays and the chefs are busy preparing meals for the after-party.

Crouched in the corner, I'm trying to plan how I'll get through unnoticed. It's too late when there's a gentle tap on my shoulder.

"Can I help you miss?" The voice was too sweet to be a threat.

"Oh- I need to get to the wedding ceremony. It's really important" I replied, giving the biggest puppies eyes I could.

Either it worked or she's just really nice because the young maid nods. "This way" she grins.

Taking my arm, she weaves us through the crowd of workers. I'm guided through the royal halls towards the garden where the ceremony is taking place.

"Good luck miss" she whispers before disappearing. I didn't get the chance to thank her but I'm sure she knows.

Peering through the window, the unbelievably extensive garden is packed with guests. Hundreds. Maybe even thousands.

There he is, I spot him at the front.


He looks rather handsome in his blue suit, his perfect skin almost glowing in the daylight. Though almost every female is infatuated with him, I'm the one he truly belongs with.

I headed through the open doors and down more steps, my gaze solely on him.

"Should anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony, speak now or forever hold your peace" the officiant declares.

It's silent, nobody dares to say a word. All except for one.


The loud shrill of gasps fills the air from the shocked guests as every single head snaps towards me, my eyes shift up to the gaze of his beautiful baby browns.

"What is this meaning of this?!" Ralph's mother and father are clearly outraged.

"I-I'm sorry Ralph. I can't let you marry her" I suddenly feel nervous but I've practised this speech a dozen times in my head.

"And why not?" The Queen's attitude seeps through her tone.

"Because...Because I'm in love with him" I confess.

The gossip spreads faster than lightning through the masses, the mutter and murmurs of the locals are shocked.

"A commoner like you can't be in love with our son" the King states.

All the while Ralph stares at me with a warm smile, he essentially seems overjoyed.

Before he can say anything, I'm just about tackled by a group of guards. The one from earlier tightly gripping my arms. "Rats belong in the gutter" he hisses.

I'm shamefully dragged away from the ceremony and tossed outside the castle grounds once more. It's hard to hear over the sound of my eccentric heartbeat, I'm defeated.

Shakily finding my stance, I take one last glimpse at the castle before leaving.


I'd recognise that velvet voice anywhere.

I turn around to be met with the warm embrace of Ralph's hug. He doesn't let me get a word in edgeways as he connects our lips, kissing me with a deep desire. When there's no air left to breathe, we break apart.

"B-but what about Talia?" I stutter.

"I love you Y/n. You're the one I should be marrying" he smiles brightly.

The tears can no longer stay hidden as a few slip down my cheeks. 

"I love you too Ralph, always."

He grabs my hand and pulls along towards the carriage. "To our future" he beams. With that, we're off. Just me and him.

Ralph Macchio imagines ♡Where stories live. Discover now