sick (2)

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A/N - Requested <3 


"Y/n" I'm shaken awake by Ralph who's peering over me concerned. "Hm?" I sleepily roll over, not wanting to move. "You're late for work," he tells me. I glance at the clock in a huff, normally I'd jump up in a rush but today, I'm too consumed by fatigue to care.

I sit up and cough a little, my chest aches. Ralph takes a seat next to me and rests the back of his hand against my head. "You don't look too good baby," he comments. I don't say anything back, instead I reach for the cup of water and gulp it down in one go. My throat feels irritated and scratchy.

"Could you-"

"Call in sick for you?"

I nod and lay down, burrowing myself under the blanket. Whilst Ralph politely calls my boss, I wallow in my misery. I mean, there's not much else to do. "Are you going out?" I muster up the courage to speak. Ralph shakes his head "I'm not leaving you until you're better" he turns on the tv for me and even props me up with an extra pillow.

He's so sweet.

"So my highness" he smiles "What would you like for breakfast?"


"No no, that's for dessert" he chuckles. "Suprise me" I reply with a yawn which turns into another cough. He places a kiss on my forehead before shuffling away downstairs. I try to focus on the screen but my eyelids weigh heavy with tiredness so I close my eyes for a moment. I toss and fumble under the sheets, feeling hot one minute then cold the next.

Eventually, Ralph returns with a plate of waffles and a bottle of medicine. "Ugh, not that disgusting stuff," I groan and sprawl out. The taste is horrible and he knows I don't wanna take it but he doesn't back down. "Well, I need my baby to get better so medicine first, then waffles as a treat" Ralph replies firmly. "Then cuddles after?" I grin. "How could I turn that down eh?" He winks.

I watch as he tips the liquid onto the spoon. "Open wide" I do as I'm told and he carefully places it into my mouth. I gag a little, funny how it's supposed to be good for me yet it tastes like shit. I pull a revolted face as I swallow, Ralph doesn't miss the opportunity to laugh at me. "Just you wait, it'll be your turn next" I roll my eyes. "We'll see about that" he gets into bed and hands me the plate.

As I eat, Ralph helps himself to a couple before pulling me close against his warm body. His nails drag lightly against my skin and he smothers with soft kisses. "You know," he pecks my lips "You're still hot when you're sick Y/n."

"Why thank you," I giggle.

We cuddle in bed, me on top with his arms wrapped tightly around my body. Even when I'm at my worst, Ralph makes me feel like I'm at my best. "I love you," Ralph says softly. I smile, he's a constant reminder of how lucky I am. "I love you too."

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