Jack Lambert

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"I'm 18 Y/n! Why does my dad think he can just appear back in my life as if it's fine!" Jack rants to me.

We're cuddling in my bed, he's laying on top of me as I run my hands through his hair.

"He's just trying to make amends for all the years he missed out on knowing the best person ever, give him a chance baby" I encourage. 

He shakes his head eagerly.

"I don't think he deserves it. He doesn't even wanna be around us babe. His head is still in Vietnam" he protests.

His breathing is heavy, I can feel it.

"Calm down, it's okay. Nobody is forcing you" I say with a comforting smile.

Jack tilts his head up so he's looking at me, he pulls my face softly to his.

We kiss, it's slow and gentle though I can sense his neediness for me.

I stroke his cheek when we pull apart, I admire his puppy-like eyes.

"Whatever decision you make, I'll support all the way" I say quietly.

Jack smiles and embraces me even tighter.

"You're the best girlfriend...I love you baby" he swoons.

"I love you too babe" I reply.

He goes silent for a moment and then he looks at me straight in the eyes.

"I'll go to see him" he announces.

I smile at him.

"You won't regret it" I sympathise.

Ralph Macchio imagines ♡Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora