mermaid (2)

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A/N - I can't remember who but someone asked if I could write another mermaid imagine so in this one you're a siren (a female mythological creature who sings an enchanted song to lure sailors to their death) from what I googled, I hope that's correct! <3


Ralph's pov:

"The island's clear!" I shout. 

My crewmates nod and start loading items onto the ship. After spending a few weeks here, I can't wait to sail back to New York and trade all the artefacts I've discovered. I want to be remembered throughout history. It's not particularly selfish of me to take something that isn't being claimed currently, finders keepers as they say.

I scout the place one last time, I dread the thought of missing out on anything spectacular that would shock people for centuries. A glint in the sand gets me pent up in excitement only to be highly disappointed when I discover it's a blasted penny. I toss it away in a huff when I hear something that catches my attention.

It sounds like...Humming? Faint yet just enough for me to hear. My curiosity compels me and I force myself to follow the noise. As I draw nearer, it becomes clear to me it's a song. I have no idea what the words mean but it's exquisite, perhaps they've played it on the radio back home? I make my way over to the rocky edge where the waves crash against the land and that's when I see her.

The most beautiful woman I've ever laid my eyes upon.

Merely a young'un, I assume she's in her early twenties. The way she combs her silk locks ever so delicately whilst singing with the voice of an angel freezes me in place. She is the male fantasy brought to life, the woman I've seen in my dreams at night. Her alluring nature possesses my somewhat erotic energy. She looks at me with those captivating eyes, I fall even deeper in love.

Your pov:

He's falling in love with me ever so effortlessly.

The unwary man steps closer, occasionally licking his lips. I continue singing, giving him what he wants. He's so caught up by the enchanted melody he doesn't even realize I'm not a human, my tail sways underneath the water aimlessly. With each lyric I pass, he advances towards me. His dreamy eyes sparkle with anticipation, the handsomely mysterious stranger belongs to me and me only.

As the song nearly finishes, he hovers next to me staring at my presence below. "You're-" he takes a deep breath "You are-" he stutters and stumbles on his words "You're breathtaking," the man crouches down to my level, his hand caressing my cheek gingerly.

I stop singing.

"I've never met a lady so beguiling," he whispers before leaning in and kissing me. 

His soft lips are more whimsical than I thought. He grips onto me tightly as if I were a treasure and I copy his lead. I run my fingers through his velvety black hair as he mumbles against my lips, "Will you marry me?"

I giggle, these humans are so silly.

In response, I simply smile majestically and pull him in for another last kiss. I distract him from the fate I'm about to seal and give him the best final moments of his mortal life. As the kiss deepens, he grows weaker. Even so, he doesn't give up and greedily continues to crave me. Lust truly is a powerful desire.

Just as he's about to lean away for air, I slyly swipe an object from his pocket before pushing him into the water. "Help me!" His cries fall on deaf ears. I watch as he struggles to keep himself afloat like many other sailors previously. I curiously glance at the name tag I had taken from him, tracing the stylish writing.

He reaches out for me desperately with little to no avail.

Then he disappears under the water and I smile.

Until we meet again, Ralph Macchio.

Ralph Macchio imagines ♡Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat