Daniel LaRusso (2)

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A/N - You are the vampire in a story type plot, this was requested

Also, to help this make sense as it's set in the daytime, you are a day lighter (vampires who can walk in the daylight unharmed) who only preys on animals and not human blood.


It was the year 1984. I had just moved to Reseda where I met a young boy called Daniel LaRusso. He was different from the other boys in town. We met in school and hit it off instantly, we became best friends real quick. We did everything together, from hanging out at the arcade to supporting him at his karate tournaments. It didn't take us long to realize that we were deeply in love with each other.

I stood by Daniel no matter what. We dealt with everything as a couple. Like the time he fought Johnny in the All-Valley Karate Tournament. I followed him and Mr Miyagi to Okinawa when Miyagi's father was dying. Daniel then had a life or death match with Chozen. When we returned to Reseda, Daniel then had to fight Mike Barnes. Despite all the drama, Daniel and I were a strong couple.

But unknownst to him, I was hiding a secret. Daniel and I never lied to each other but it's something past my control. I wanted to tell him so badly but I could never get the words out. He deserved to know the truth, it wasn't fair to either of us.

Then, everything changed on 31st October 1985. Halloween. I had just returned home from a date with Daniel. It was a perfect last date. But he didn't know it was our final one. I wanted Daniel all to myself but I couldn't be selfish. I had to let him go.

I had to.

With that, I left and didn't return.

Daniel LaRusso never saw me again.


34 years later, present

It's a nice day out as I walk down the street. It's been a while since I last set foot in California. Though I've been focused on the safety of my clan, I have never stopped thinking about Daniel LaRusso. He impacted my life in a way no other could and I regret leaving him unanswered. Staring at the house, I feel nervous. What if he hates me?

'Snap out of Y/n!' I think to myself. I slowly approach the front door and take a deep breath as I knock. A few minutes later, a young girl opens the door. "Hi, who are you?" She asks curiously. She looks just her like her dad. "I'm an old friend, is your father in?" I reply. She looks at me oddly and then slips away.

I feel nervous again. In a moment, all my emotions are thrown into a frenzy when Daniel steps into the doorway. His mouth drops open at the sight of me. "Y-Y/n?" He stutters, he can't believe his eyes. "It's me, Daniel," I say quietly, nodding my head to confirm.

He steps out and shuts the door behind him, giving us a bit more privacy. We stare at each other in silence, just examining one another. He's no longer a boy but a man in his 50's. Daniel is still as handsome as ever, and now a bit taller. He's more shocked to see me than I am with him. I know how I look.

Exactly the same as I did 34 years ago in 1984.

"Y/n...You look like you haven't aged at all" he manages to say. I take a deep breath and look him in the eyes, it's finally the moment I tell him the truth. "That's because I haven't aged Daniel. I haven't grown up since 1980" I reply. His eyes widen and he looks at me in a mix of confusion and curiosity.

"I'm a vampire" I reveal.

I hear him gasp lightly. In fact, I can hear more than that. I can hear his heartbeat, fast but in rhythm. It's like music to my ears, my own heartbeat stopped the night I was transformed. I can tell he's conflicted, he doesn't know whether to believe me or not.

Then, I quickly notice there's a fire in his eyes. "Why the hell did you leave me Y/n? I was heartbroken for all these years, I thought I did something wrong to push you away" he has a sudden outburst, fresh tears brim his eyes that roll down his cheeks. Seeing him hurt like that causes me to cry too.

"I-I'm sorry Daniel. I'm telling you the truth. I'm a vampire. I wasn't always, I was a normal girl until I was bitten. But although I stopped living, everything changed when I met you. You make me feel so alive that I don't even feel like I'm dead. I've never stopped loving you. But...It's because I love you that I left" I explain to him.

Daniel shakily grabs onto my hands and holds them in his. I feel a spark when he touches me, it's like an old flame reignites. "I-I guess that explains why you always feel so cold" he chuckles, his tears glisten in the light.

"That's right" I giggle sweetly, I remember the multiple times he'd dress me in his clothes to warm me up. "But Y/n, I would've changed for you. Y-you could've transformed me so we could be together forever" he insists, he sounds desperate. Both of us a crying mess, I move one hand to his cheek and stroke.

"I know baby, I know. But Daniel...You have to understand. I wanted you to live a normal life and be happy. I would never ask you to sacrifice yourself for me, it's unfortunate that I'm the way that I am but you...You are blessed with life. Breathing. Being alive. I left to protect you from a world like mine" I confess.

"I thought I'd never see you again" he admits. A small smile etches across my face. "Daniel my love...I've always been with you" I point to his heart. Crying even harder, he draws me in for a hug. Our energy together is chaotic almost, it feels like it's just me and him. Then, he gently lifts my chin with his finger.

We gaze into each other's eyes before Daniel leans in close...He kisses me.

His kiss is one steeped in a passion that ignites. It is the promise of realness, of the primal desire that lives in us all. And with it, he tells me that he is awake, connected within as he melts into my embrace. It feels like an eternity with him, I never want the kiss to end. A while after, we pull apart breathless and tearful.

"Daniel...Seeing you all grown up is my greatest joy. You know, I always wonder what it's like to grow old...To even have a family. Are you happy Daniel? Are you happy with the life I gave you...?" I say softly. He nods but I sense his uncertainty. "Y/n...I may be a husband to someone else and a father but I've never stopped thinking about you" he sniffles.

"I know...Me too" I reply.

For a while, we just gaze at each other. It's a moment that after many years we both needed it to heal. "Are you going to stay?" He eventually breaks the silence. I shake my head. "I wish I could" I sigh. "Will you ever visit me again?" He asks frantically. I smile. "One day Daniel...Maybe you'll be even older at the care home for the elderly" I say lightheartedly. He breaks into a small chuckle, I wipe his tears with my sleeve.

"I love you Y/n."

"I love you too Daniel."

Ralph Macchio imagines ♡Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz