Appreciation and real talk. ❤

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First off, can I say what a great day you guys have made this for me? I'm a mama, I work two jobs, and writing these stories is therapy for me. I just recently started writing, I'm a novice writer and I have atrocious grammar. I also have very severe anxiety, and I lamented over whether or not to write for months before I ever started.

When writing these stories, I never have a specific ending in mind. I just kind of roll with it as we go along, until I am far enough to decide how exactly I picture the ending. I have long stories often, and long chapters and I see you guys taking time to follow and keep up and I know that can't always be easy. I appreciate everything. Every message, comment, like, add, follow or silent read. I notice you all and all your efforts.

Acrasia was actually meant to be a shorter style story, but after so many chapters in and many people so invested, I couldn't end it so soon. We are almost at 5,000 views and that honestly blows my mind. I honestly never expected to even reach 100. Thank you. Sincerely. That is all your doing!!❤

I have had several contracts offered to pay for this book, but I turned down full contracts and did non exclusive so that I could leave everything here. I will never remove my stories from this platform.

Today I have tripped into and broke my porch chair, I ran late to work, had a giant planet sized pimple BETWEEN MY EYES, oh, and I was added to a reading list of dumb/stupid books. Ouch. 😬🤣🤣 Had you guys not came through so hard for me today, I probably would be eating icecream in the bathtub and feeling sorry for myself.

Never for a minute think that I take any support or constructive criticism for granted. I only ask if my stories start to stink or the plot has any loopholes you guys fill me in so I can fix it. Please don't add me to a list of dumb books. My self esteem can't take the blow, we are already into negative numbers. 🤣🤣❤ Also, this tells me nothing on how to improve. It's difficult to keep track of my place mentally in these stories when I work and stay busy at home. My thoughts get tangled, especially when I'm trying to be as original as possible, which is tough. I always fear I'll be redundant or become boring. I will be heavily editing soon as I get time off to sort through my works, to hopefully improve.

I also want you guys to feel super comfortable interacting with me and my stories. Pick on my characters, be sarcastic, ask me questions. I love it. While we are on that topic, FEEL FREE TO POST YOUR STORIES IN COMMENTS! I promise you, it bothers me none. I love to read. I spend my lunch reading on here most times, and I  promise you I will read them. Half the people that follow this story are author's themselves, and have books that would put mine to shame. ❤💯 I will make time to read and support each one.

Thank you all!! Now, to work on that next chapter. Currently having a touch of writer's block, but I'm pushing for an update between tonight and tomorrow evening. 🤞

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