32: Overwhelmed

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Chapter 32: Overwhelmed

The world around her footsteps crumble underneath her as if she was lighter than the surface beneath. As she awoken with the clear vision of her newest reality, it became like a dream. She still couldn't believe what was happening around her. This wasn't just possible, but it was. Dean Winchester was back from the dead! Alexandra has a hard time believing that she loved so dearly is actually alive and breathing. It just seemed scary and so unreal to her mind. She knew that supernatural exists but the thought never crossed her mind that she would actually have him back in her life.

She awoke to the cymbals that crashed like waves in the ocean. She looked over to her left of the bed, found the man staring up at the ceiling fan. She couldn't believe he was really back - Dean was back from the dead. This was the news or the ages at least for the Jones family. She hadn't even come to terms with what just happened last night or - yesterday.

"Y-you are actually here?" She whispered as she caught his eyes. She watched him inhale and then breath out. Dean's tired smile made her stomach turn with butterflies.

"Yeah, I am, Alex, I told you I would be back." She smacked his chest with her bony elbow.

"Not funny." She muttered, throwing the sheets off her body and stood flat on the balls of her feet.

His smile faded away. "I'm sorry, Alex." Her heart did a flip against her chest like a tumbleweed.

"You gotta leave before my brother comes back... I-I just need sometime to explain - to think about what just happened." She blurted out quickly as she watched his facial expressions carefully.

Dean got out of her bed too and nodded sadly as he slid on his jeans and started to lean towards her, but her hand stopped him. His heart fell out of his chest. Did she still love him? He wasn't sure. He ducked out the room, trying to hide his breaking heart.

"Yeah.. I get it. Take your time. No rush." He started with a short wave and he closed the door behind him.

With knots in her stomach, Alexandra raced toward the bathroom and threw open the toilet seat cover. Once she finished throwing up, she wiped her mouth with some toilet paper and flushed it. She leaned against the cool tile with her head and groaned.


He got back into Baby, driving down Main Street and heading out of there as fast as he could. He knew he had one person he had to see and he was actually afraid. He hadn't seen her since before he went to hell.

"Wha--" The words were cut off from the woman's lips.

Alice, his sister stood in her doorway, shocked beyond belief. There's no way that can be him. No way. He was in hell because he made a deal. She began shaking her head in denial and started to shut the door. Dean's hand stopped her and she finally looked into the emerald-green eyed imposter.It can't be her brother that was standing in her doorway.

"It's me, Al." Alice definitely shook her head. "I know it sounds crazy, maybe because it is. But it's really me. I'm not a demon, shapeshifter - I'm Dean." She has to be going crazy. Lexie told her that he was ripped to shreds. This wasn't her brother. He wasn't standing in front of her. She had lost her mind.

"N-N-No... you can't b-be him!" He watched as his sister's eyes flooded with tears. "You can't possibly be him! Dean is Dead! My brother--!" She caught herself off as a growl came off her lips. "GET! OUT! OF! MY! BROTHER!"

Dean had forgotten how strong Alice was. It didn't take long before Alice had a blade against his skin. Inhaling a breath, Dean watched carefully as she raised the switchblade, getting ready to stab him. He grabbed her wrist, twisting it back. The blade fell on the ground with a loud thud. "It's me, Alice. Please.... please don't hurt your baby bro!" The man cried.

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