14: Ignorance At Pop's

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Chapter 14: Ignorance At Pop's

After she had breakfast it was time to meet up with her friend's at Pop's. Lexie sat in the booth waiting for her friends. Here's the thing about Lexie's friends. They are very protective and will break someone for hurting her. When she told them about Joe Cain, they smashed his four-wheeler's windshield with a baseball bat. Later they went to the Wyrm poured shots to celebrate.

She met Lauren Jules during middle school, instantly they became friends, shared secrets, passed notes in society class. Her and Lauren had sleepovers every weekend at Lauren's house. At least when her foster parents allowed her. She loved going to Lauren's house. Her place was so big, her family welcomed her in with opened arms. The Jules's family even wanted to adopt her, unfortunately the dad got really sick and was put in the hospital.

She remembered the look on Lauren's face when the doctor told them her father was dying. The pain and anger written into her face. All the tears blurring both Lexie and Lauren's visions. For weeks Lexie tried to get Lauren to see the positives but she was stubborn and didn't believe her. Lauren's older sister, Katie moved back from New York to help her mother pay the medical bills that were quickly piling up. Mr. Jules condition had worsened during Lexie and Lauren's seventh grade year. Lexie was extremely broken over that. She thought of Mr. Jules as a dad she never had.

He was always there for her when her life was falling apart. He never hurt her like her abusive father had. He would take Lauren, Lexie and sometimes Katie if she was in town out for ice cream. She would usually get mint-chip since it was her favorite. Katie would get something bland and boring and Lauren would get brownie batter. She bonded with the Jules family more than her own.

To her disappointment her adoptive dad passed away later that July. His funeral was honorable just as he was to her. She sat by their family as the service went on. Her eyes bloodshot, holding Lauren's hand into hers. She listened intently to the pastor's words and quietly cried. Her adoptive mother broke down when his casket was placed into the black limo and she held her as she sobbed.

By time the school rolled around Lexie already was at her sixteenth foster home since she turned ten years old. There she met Julia Marks. At first she barely spoke to her and that was until Julia had to share her room. She became friends with her and later like sisters. Lexie didn't have any sisters, only an older brother who she missed a lot. Julia introduced her to Lucy Marie. Eventually Lexie invited all them to her twelfth birthday and Lauren, Julia, Lucy and Lexie never stopped talking.

Lexie's ears peaked up when she heard the cheerful voices of her four best friends. She hadn't seen them for at least a month before she moved back to Riverdale. Before she moved back in with her brother. She lived with her friends in another small town. She loved it there and she damn sure missed them a hell a lot.

"Lexs!" Lauren squealed as she run into Lexie's open arms.

Lexie pulled away after a few seconds and quickly started talking. Lauren looked a lot different than she did just one month ago. Her hair was shorter and much bolder coloring than her dirty blonde.

"Laur!" She screeched, causing people around to her murmur and for Lexie to throw them stink eyes.

Next came Julia rocking her dark wavy curls as she approached the two chatty women seated in the booth by the window. Lexie and Lauren stood back up from the booth and joined arms again. Lucy showed up last sporting her raven locks. They all sat in the crowded booth, looking down at the menus in front of them with hunger in their eyes.

Lexie noticed her brother coming up to her table and tried ignoring her friend's gawking eyes. She knew her brother was attractive but gross to her. For god sake her was her brother.

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