8: Burning Karma

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Chapter 8: Burning Karma

Speedy as a lightning bolt brothers arrived at Thistlehouse. They ran as fast as their legs could carry them. Dean kicked down the door, cocked his gun before signaling the coast was clear. His brother trended behind him with his shot gun pumped with rock-salt. Trembling could be heard from the third floor. Dean follows the sounds of Cheryl's cries.

"Help! He's hurting Nana rose!"

Stood by the last stair was Dean. He got a graphic glimpse as he stayed glued. He heard footsteps approaching. He pressed his finger on the trigger and fired the shot gun. Rock-salt powder blasted through the barrel of the gun. Cheryl's eyes widen when she watched her brother's shadow spread away and then became black dust.

Cheryl quickly helped her nana out of the tied chair. She couldn't shut her mouth as tears rolled. She had to be insane. That wasn't her Jay-Jay she knew. He was completely different. He would never hurt a soul let alone attack anybody.

"Cheryl..." Nana rasped, Cheryl looked down at her nana and her tearful eyes grew.

"No! No!" She screamed as she saw blood spewing from her abdomen. "Nana Rose." She cries as she pressed her hand over the wound.

Dean approached the Blossom women and grabbed his kit from the Impala. He lifted the lady's shirt and grabbed some gauzes. Sam came back from retrieving a glass for Cheryl. Cheryl examined the agent's face. She could tell that he knew what he was doing and now she wanted to know what the hell just happened.

"What the hell?" She finally said before meeting Agent Dane's eyes.

"We hunt the supernatural." Cheryl looked like she was about to faint.

"S-super- n-natural?" The two men nodded their heads and sent apathetic eyes. They knew that she was in shock and didn't blame her for not believing them. If they were her, they wouldn't believe them either.

"Yes." The oldest said. "Our names are Dean and Sam Winchester."

Cheryl gasped," You're the guys from Milwaukee!" She exclaimed. "Wait how?" She was confused and understandably. It's not everyday you Lear's that monsters do exist.

"Shapeshifters." Dean said firmly, still holding grudges for that S.O.B.

"Shapeshifters.... What the hell are those?"

"Creatures that take form of anyone they want before they kill their victims." Cheryl's stomach churned violently as she looked at her Nana.

"So.. that's what you were in Milwaukee?" She questions, following what she was given.

"Yes." He said soberly, eying at the older lady.

After explaining what happened. Cheryl still felt uneasy about the fact she now knew that monsters existed. And not only that. Her brother was a vengeful spirt. It was all hitting like a boulder. Jay-Jay wasn't at peace and she now feared that he would be so unhinged with rage, being unable to contain his unfinished business.

The Winchesters came in over the sounds of her thoughts." Where was Jason buried?"
The Joneses looked at the empty seat at the table. Where Lexie would usually occupy every morning, lunch or even midnight snacks. It was strange and out of the ordinary.

Out Of Town Guest: D.WWhere stories live. Discover now