31: Among The Devil's Exit

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Chapter 31: Among The Devil's Exit

Four months later...

  The summer faded away as the Autumn's breeze slowly creeped through the fallen leaves on the trees. A lot had gone on since Lexie last saw anything supernatural. Frankly she was glad nothing had been spotted. Ellen, Bobby and Sam were constantly checking up on her. Seeing how she was doing with her life. Since then... she focused on her medical career. No interruptions to block her concentration from appearing in her mind.

She walked into Pop's to grab a quick bite before she headed on her way to the hospital. Last night, she spent hanging with Alice and JB having a girl's night. She owed Alice money for losing a bet. So she decided to work more shifts and got Alice some coffee.

She looked around and sighed absent-mindedly at the new worker standing in FP's spot. Less than four months ago her brother became employed as the town's local sheriff.

She was astonished when her brother told her the news. At first she didn't believe him and thought she was joking, but quickly realized he actually earned a good living for himself. She was proud and couldn't believe what came out of his mouth. He had improved so much since then. He was home with his kids. There were still things they haven't discussed.... and one of those topics was Lexie's recent suicide attempt.  She barely wanted to talk about it. Her brother still looked at her with worrisome eyes. She hated that she caused him so much heartache.

"Jones, come and see what we got!" Someone hollered as she came in the front door.

"What happened?" She questioned as she examined the patient's arm.

Todd Folly brought his gaze down and sighed as he listened for a pulse. "His chart shows deep chest wounds and massive bleeding."

"Damn.." Lexie muttered under her breath. "Check his airway."

"Dr. Jones, his airway is blocked." She looked over at Todd and gave a nod. "Damn it! I can't see anything! His airway is blocked by something!"

"Clear his airway!" She barked at her co-worker as her stethoscope around her neck started clinging against the railing of her patient's hospital bed.

The machines around her started blaring." Damn it! We're losing him!" She cried as she slammed her hand directly over the code button.

The door slammed causing a stir. Lexie's eyes were blood red from the exhaustion. Unfortunately her patient didn't make it and passed on due to complications of his injuries. Her boss sent home for the rest of the night.
Lexie looked at the time on her watch and sighed with exhaustion leaking through her sigh.

"Lex..." She looked up and nearly fell apart." What's going on?" Her older brother came towards her and she felt herself fall into his arms.

"My patient didn't make it..." FP's eyes grew with empathy as he rubbed her back soothing the sobs escaping from her throat.

"Oh... Lexie..." he whispered as her sobs grew louder against his chest.

He knew how much she cared about her patients. Carter had been so comforting to her when she started. He would hear the stories that Carter had told her and be amazed what the man had witnessed and conquered. He also knew that Carter resembled someone who still took a space in his sister's heart.

That person would remain in her heart. And who was this person you'll ask, well that's the simplest yet most complicated answer of them all.

Dean Winchester.

A man who captured his little sister's fragile heart. And in ways only Alexandra would ever settle for. He didn't know what it was about that man that made his sister fall into putty when she saw him. He may never know... not ever again. Lexie lost him four months ago and still hasn't fully recovered. He wasn't sure if she ever will.

"It's not fair, For... he didn't deserve to die." She continued to blubber as he quieted her down with his soft shushes.

He knew she wasn't talking about Carter anymore. No, she was talking about Dean. "I know, I know... Lex..."

—xxx- One Week Later—xxx

Her home. Her home. Her home. She didn't know what to think when the call came through. She didn't believe it! Or maybe she couldn't believe it.

She opened the door and nearly felt her heart stop. This couldn't be possible. She kept shaking her head at the figure standing in her front door. "Get out of him!" She demanded menacingly.

"Alex, whoa, whoa, it's really me!" The man cried putting his hands up defensively.

"Like I'm going to fall for that! What are you? Demon? Shapeshifter? Ghoul? What are you?!" She growled tightening her grip on the switchblade.

"Alex... please it's me, De.... please put down the switchblade... baby.." the imposter pleaded with her.

"No...Dean died!" She shook her head angrily at the creature in her boyfriend's skin. How dare they or it use the man she loves so dearly! "He's dead! Now get out of HIM!"

"I swear on Sam's life... it's really me, Alexandra... please baby it's really me. I'm not a demon. I'll do the tests. Bobby tested me and Sam too. Please Alex... baby it's me."

She wants to believe that Dean was Dean but her heart was having a harder time with that. She saw him die. His body ripped apart by hellhounds. There was no way it was him. Dean is in hell! Her eyes start to water under the impact from the imposter's claims.

She grabs her hunter knife that Dean left behind when he went to hell and sliced into the skin. The liquid came out red and she nearly dropped the knife.

"D-Dean..." She faintly whispered as tears started cascading down her cheeks.

She looked at the man before her and felt her chest rise and fall against her heart. This was Dean... her Dean. She wanted to crush into a hug but she couldn't stop herself from falling to the floor. She cried and cried.

"Shh...baby...it's really me. I-I've missed ya..." she felt a pair of arms surround her. She sobs louder and it causes a tear in his heart to get wider. "Alex... shhh... I gotcha...I'm never leaving ever again. I'm here to stay."

She fell into his strong hold and latched onto him tightly as if she was losing him all over again. She felt as if she couldn't believe what was really going on.


One Year since I updated! I'm so so sorry! I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

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