27: "You're My Alex!"

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Chapter 27: "You're My Alex!"

Her eyes hung wide as she surveyed the room. There's no way. Alice is a Smith. Dean he can't be her brother. Alice isn't a Winchester. She can't be. She'd known Alice for years. Dean never mentioned having a sister. She knew about Sam. Of course she knew Sam. Dean didn't have a sister. She kept repeating the words in her head. "Lex, this my younger brother, Dean Winchester"

Alice explained as careful as possible. John had been her father before she left them behind. Dean remembered that painful memory. The day his older sister decide to leave their family. It was after a hunt went bad. "I left after a ghoul almost killed me. I met your brother shortly after and then told my father I was sorry." Lexie felt breathless from the confession.

"So, you're saying that.... Dean. He's your brother and you're actually a Winchester. Also that my brother has a son out there." Alice nodded and Dean's mouth fell open.

"I'm an uncle and you didn't think about call me!" He gritted out angrily.

Alice felt her eyes getting watery as she refused to meet her brother's eyes. "Yes and where was my call when dad died?!"

Dean slowly blinked back in shock. Their dad has been gone for little over two and half years. Alice was almost in tears. Dean could see that. He dropped what he had been doing and embraced her. He had missed his older sister. Alice has taught him many things. She always had been a brilliant hunter. He had to tell Sam.

He broke the hug and went outside. Sam watched his brother's eyes and couldn't believe his eyes either. Alice Susanna Winchester had returned. How did they not know that was her? When he went to Stanford. He sent her letters that she never wrote back.


Sam held his hand up. "Don't. I wrote letters and you couldn't even write back once. You made us believe you never wanted us. We dealt with dad all on our own. You left us!"

Lexie couldn't believe Alice had done that. This wasn't the Alice she knows. Her Alice wouldn't leave family behind. She told her brother and he was in complete shock. Betty came over after having a fight with her mom.

"I can't believe she never told me!" Betty exclaimed angrily, pacing around the Jones trailer.

Jughead rubbed her back as she ranted. He still couldn't wrap his mind around the fact Mrs. Smith was related to the Winchesters.


"What do you want?" Lexie grumbled as she hopped off her bike.

Of course Dean cornered her after she got off her bike. She tried to get away but his hand held her back. "Just give me one minute." She sighed as she waited for a reasonable excuse.

"Go on." She encourage, slightly annoyed. Dean stepped closer, avoiding any personal space. She listened to him as he told her. His reason generally broke her heart. "Wow.. that's how he died..." he nodded his head as tears slowly spill from her eyes.

Dean cleared his throat." I was suicidal without him. I've lost so much— I just couldn't lose him too. And now Sam is trying everything in book to save me from Hell. I already know the outcome. Ruby told me there's no cure. Hellhounds will be the end, Alex."

The tone in his voice echoed in her. She could hear his pain. "You don't want to die, am I right?"

He sucked the air through his teeth and gave a shaky nod with his head. "No, Alex. I want to live. I want to be with you. But—" She cut him off.

"You can't. I've done research, D. I know that it ends next month. We only got a month left."

It's been a hell for her. She wanted him and tell him she loves him. But she's scared. He'll die soon and she doesn't think she'll be able to held it.

Out Of Town Guest: D.WWhere stories live. Discover now