2: "Didn't I Say, I Would See You Around, Alexandra?"

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Chapter 2: "Didn't I say, I would see you around, Alexandra?"

When Lexie showed up at the register, her eyes met with angered Alice. But then her furry turned to a smile. "So... I heard you ran into a dazzlingly green eyed man outside Pop's diner." Lexie stared at her in shock. How did she know about Dean? She just got to work. This didn't make any sense.

She looked at Alice wide-eyed before sitting down at the desk in the back of the store. It confused her by how Alice already knew. She didn't tell anybody yet.

"H-how did you even know?" She questioned Alice with only a little bit of a stutter. Alice rolled her eyes at her raven-haired co-worker.

"Please, Lex, you're blushing like a schoolgirl right now." Lexie's cheeks burn hot as she quickly covers her face with her hands. "Besides your big brother told me." Oh great, now her brother knew, she thought.

Her brother. She knew her brother was going to go insane. It's not like she'll ever see him again, right?

She turned back to face Alice. She sucked at her bottom lip and started to sort through the pages. Ever since Hal was arrested, things had been very busy. All the papers were about Hal or Hiram's diabolical plans. She was beyond angry when she found out that he organized Penny and the Ghoulies to kill her nephew. Her brother had to hold her back from killing him herself.

"It's not like I will see him again, Allie." She grunted as she buried her head into a book.

"Whatever you say, Lex." She heard Alice muttered as she walked into the back room.
That night Lexie sat in the living room reading her nephew's book he wrote about Jason Blossom. She loved that Jughead has such drive with his writing. She's lucky to have such a talented nephew.

"Jug, this is great!" Lexie exclaimed as she ruffled with his black curls. "I'm so proud of you!" She watched as Jughead's lips turn upward into a heavy smirk.

"Thanks, Aunt Lex, I'm glad you think it's good." Lexie stared at him with bright eyes.

She closed the book and stood up to hug him. "Think it's good?! No Jug! I loved it and I think it's one of your best works!" Jughead's cheek turn a little red.

He did love that his aunt really liked his work but he wasn't expecting her to be this happy about it. FP came into the room with scruffy beard.

"She's right, Jug." He said as he picked the book off the couch and began to open the cover. "You should publish this. Maybe ask Mrs. Smith." Right after he said that he knew his sister would start questioning him.

"Maybe." His son says before walking over to his sister and gives a big hug.

"Jug, stop!" The girl wails as her brother starts tickling her. "Please." She pleads as she tries to block his hands.

Lexie guided her brother over to the kitchen and looked at him with those eyes. He groans as he watches her carefully. "So... did you talk to Alice yet?" His sister asked with hope in her eyes.

He bit back a growl and ran a hand through his messy hair. "She told me that Jug and Betty deserve their time and we had ours." Lexie could tell that her brother was slowly crumbling and she hated it. She wanted to slap Alice for what she was doing to her brother.

She bit her tongue and squeezed his shoulder gently and looked at him. "She'll come around."

FP scoffed, biting the insides of his cheek," Yeah right." He knew that Alice wouldn't. His wife left and now Alice didn't want him either.

Lexie had it with his bitterness lately. She tried so long to keep her mouth shut and bite her tongue in the issue but this was her last straw.

"Enough." She saw her brother's eyes widened and could see his rage slowly brewing behind them. " You need to stop being a Debbie downer and act like a man. Man up, Bro. It's darn right embarrassing." She hissed as she grabbed the pot and drained the noodles into the colander.

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