Chapter 8 : Am Not Interested!

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The De Riveria' bar & restaurant's inauguration of Amsterdam branch went well. My mom introduced me to the Viceroys and even though I had not even an ounce of interest in meeting or knowing them, I kept my calm for my mom and Krystle. They were happy and excited and I couldn't ruin their moods being a brat.

Steve , Hele's brother spoke to me about some business but all I wanted to do was hold his collar and knock some sense about treating his sister right. I kept on looking at my watch and gave a glance at Pearl and Bert, silently asking about any info about Hele. They kept nodding No and my heart was sinking.

I tried to excuse myself when Diana Viceroy, I guess Steve's wife asked if I was waiting for someone. I nodded and before she could pry about whom I excused myself saying that I have an important work to attend and bid my adieu to the Viceroy family, my mom and sister and walked towards Pearl and Bert.

"any news whether she reached home safe?''

"No. Not yet" Pearl replied looking at her mobile

"Its been lot of time. I guess we need to check on her''

"I guess you are right. Lets Go" Bert stood up

While we three were walking towards exit, my mom called me. I looked at her and then at my friends.

"Relax Drake. We will be going to her apartment now to check on her. Pearl has a spare key. Once we find her I will inform you. It's a big day for you and your family and as much as you want to join us , you are required here.'' Bert spoke

I nodded understanding he is right and asked him to inform me right away once they meet Hele and walked towards my mom.

"Drake I am sorry to call you back. Its important." Mom said

"what's it mom"

"Well did you meet Diana Viceroy ?''

I nodded positive

"I want you to meet her sister Elina"


"Drake, you are young and have not been in any relationship yet. It would be nice if you take life seriously and settle. I mean you have every right to find a girl of your own liking, but since you haven't yet, I thought it would be good if you meet Elina and see how it goes. I mean there is nothing wrong in it" she chose her words carefully

"Mom, for God sake I am grown up and can make my decisions. You need not set me up with anyone. I know what I want and who I want. So, please stop being a match maker''

''I am not Drake. I am just asking you to take her out once. She is beautiful, educated and from a good family, so whats wrong''

"No mom. I love you, I love you a lot but I cannot accept what you are trying now. I am sorry mom''

She took a deep breath and closed her eyes for a while

"I gave them my word that you will take her out as I thought you wouldn't deny me'' she blurted the truth finally

"You never thought of asking me before giving your word mom. How could you do this to me?''

"I know. I know I am wrong. I am sorry for this. But it's now related to Viceroys and their daughter-in-law and I ..I cannot just step back. Just do this once and if you don't like her, I promise I will not force you to do anything against your wish''

"No mom. I am not going to take her out even once. I can say even before taking her out that I will not like her''

"Tell me truth Drake. Are you seeing someone?''

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