Chapter - 19: Some promises to hold on to !!

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Helene POV:

"Yeah For once without Plan-B, Hele!" Drake repeated making my smile grow wider

"so where does this go next?'' I asked holding him and grinning ear to ear

"wherever and however you want"

"Cheesy much"

"Tell me you are not liking this though?'' he wiggled his eyebrows up and down and I playfully hit his shoulders making him yelp an ouch in a mocking tone.

"I am liking this Drake. Never knew I would see one day as this"

"Contrary I knew I would always see such a day where you would be with me in my lap, smiling"

I blushed snuggling in his embrace. I was calm, I found my peace and if I had any powers in my hand or if I had a magic wand I would stop this moment and never let it go. He rubbed my back and let his fingers lazily roam in my hair, while I closed my eyes letting his gentle touch sooth me. No words were spoken and the calmness pushed me into sleep.

When I woke up, I saw Drake next to me resting on his elbow while other hand was on my waist and he staring at me.

"I am sorry I slept"

"good and no need to be sorry"

"I guess, Pearl and Drake must be waiting for us. We should go and join them"

He pulled me as he lay next to me and my head rested on his chest while my hand was on his torso


"Don't Hele. You have no idea how much I wanted this to happen. I wanted to be with you every moment. Do something .."

I placed my hand on his mouth blushing

"Too fast"

He raised his eyebrows

"I..." I blushed and dipped my head on to his chest more while he gently took my hand off his lips and said

"I mean it Hele. You have no idea how many cold showers I have taken all these years."

I looked at him "Do you want me only because umm..."

"Sex? Are you asking that I want you because of having sex with you?'' he asked

I nodded

"Hele, I should be mad at you for thinking so low about me" his tone serious

"I ...I am sorry..i shouldn't have asked you" I got up fidgeting my fingers.

I was nervous, I just wanted to know. All this is new to me and I wanted to know what and how he thinks about me, us. But yet again I messed up and made him angry. God, why am I so dumb.

He laughed and I turned looking at him with a frown.

"God Hele. Look at you! You have gone pale and are almost shaking" he laughed.

"Shut up, I thought I have hurt you. I was cursing myself" I hit him

"Ouch...okay..okay...stop...I am sorry..." he was still laughing and I continued hitting him

"Whats happening. Are you both okay?" we heard Pearl and Bert's voice from outside

I went and opened the Zip of the tent and they both barged in and were looking at both us with wide eyes

"Hele, Care to explain what is that , that made this Idiot of a person to laugh so much?'' Pearl asked

"He pulled a terrible prank on me and made me feel guilty" I said

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