Chapter -33 : Informing the near and dear!!

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Drake POV:

"Should I be happy that my best friend would be having the woman he loved for the rest of his life or should I be angry that the one person who I have been in love would be leaving me tomorrow.

What does she expect me to do? Stop her and be selfish? One simple sentence I don't want to go from her and I would have put a ring and made her mine the next moment.

I could have even asked her not to go but what if we have arguments in future and she regrets the decision I made for her?

I was angry sad and hurt and I didn't have the heart to go behind her into the room where we spent some beautiful nights. I am not in a position to see her packing her stuff and ready to leave. Damn if it was in my hands I would have tied her down with me for rest of my life.

I should have never insisted on sending her thesis to Goldman Inc. She would have not got that offer and she would have never thought of leaving me. But God, she is so talented and she is going where she can spread her wings and fly high. I must be happy, shouldn't I? Then why am I sad? "

I am roaming aimlessly and I have absolutely no idea with whom to talk, where to go and what to do. I just want to believe that this is a bad dream and Hele is never going to leave me. All around I see people in love, smiling, celebrating and here I am breaking within myself into shatters.

Will I ever get happiness that I wished for. Why had I to fall in love with a girl who I know would be leaving me one day and I can do nothing but let her go. This was a bad idea right from the beginning. We both knew we would get hurt and now its happening. Now I am facing the harsh reality which I thought I could face it with strength.

My phone started ringing and as I saw it was from my mom.


"Draky where are you?"

"In the beach mom. Do you need anything?"

"Are you okay? Why does your voice sound so low and depressed" tears pulled up in my eyes and I wanted to tell her what happened and how I am feeling but I cant. She cant see me like this and I don't want her to talk to Hele and make her change her mind.

"Nothing mom. Its windy and that's why I guess you are hearing me different"

"Okay. Once you are relaxed would you come to my room and help me pack the stuff. I am needed in Ghent office tomorrow. Some urgent issues to tackle."

"Sure Mom. Do you want me to accompany you to Ghent?"

"No. I mean it would be good if you come but I don't want you to come leaving Hele here. You both need to spend some alone time . So I prefer leaving alone this time"

"Mom, Hele will understand and its not like we don't spend alone time. I mean we are all alone when we are in Amsterdam. So let me come with you."

"Everything is good between you and Hele right?"

"Off course  is...everything is perfect between us"

"okay .. talk to Hele first and if she is completely happy about your decision then come, else I wouldn't want you to come along. That girl deserves all the happiness Drake and you are the one responsible for her happiness. So make her your priority"

"yes mom... I intend to do that"

"Okay. So see you soon. I am going for dinner and later meet me at my room"

"Okay. Love you Mom"

I need to go with mom and stay for sometime with her. By the time I return to Amsterdam, Hele would be in NY and I will be left with her memories and my miseries.

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