Chapter -16 : Beach Camping!!

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"Drake, what was the need to do that ?"

"Hele, that was needed for the best. People come to office for work not to gossip. I just made it clear, not a big deal. Isn't it"

I kept quiet and followed him, we went to a small Bistro and had a sandwich to fill and came back to work. The lunch went quiet as we both were to hungry to have a small talk . Once we were back we resumed work till it was the end of the day.

As we reached home both went to our rooms and met after an hour in the kitchen where, Drake started preparing dinner and didn't allow me to even chop the veggies.

"I cant sit idle Drake, let me help you?"

"Nee mevrouw, ik kan dit. Je kunt een beetje rusten omdat je vanochtend veel hebt gewerkt"

(No ma'am, I can do this. You can rest a bit because you worked a lot this morning)

I smiled listening to him speaking Dutch and I found it cute too with his Belgian accent.

"what's with you smiling?"

"Its been long I spoke in Dutch with my friends"

"yeah, that's true. Bert is a proper Belgian and I am born In Belgium though my parents are from UK, yet he prefers to talk to me in English"

"Does he find your Dutch funny?"

"no he wants to improve his English is what he said"

I laughed and he looked at me confused

"What's the catch?" he raised an eyebrow

"No, I am not gonna tell you anything. You better ask him"

"Hele, are you telling me or ..." he took steps towards me...

"Drake don't you dare"

"As if I would listen to you"

I sprang from my chair and started taking steps towards the backyard while he was after me to catch, I ran outside and since the backyard was huge, I knew he wouldn't. We were running laughing and calling names when we started smelling something burnt.

Realisation hit me and I yelled "Drake ! Dinner ! Kitchen" and it was too late as the veggies he put on stove were burnt and turned black with smoke alarm ringing. I went to put the stove off while Drake went to open the doors and windows and tried to stop smoke alarm.

Cleaning and sorting the kitchen, took a while and we were tired and in no mood to cook. Drake apologised and I had to literally scream at him to stop apologising after which he agreed and ordered Chinese from a local eat out.

The first day was definitely eventful and I was sure Drake would make my stay lively and happening.

Next few days passed by without much of a change in routine and it was finally the first weekend and we both were waiting for Pearl and Bert to arrive. They would be spending the weekend with us and I couldn't be anymore happy to have my friend back with me and it was same with Drake.

"I am here Hele" Pearl literally screamed as Drake opened the door for the lovebirds.

"Kitchen Pearl" I replied

I knew she would run to reach me and I stood taking kitchen platform as support waiting for her, while keeping an eye at the breakfast.

"Hele" she pulled me into arms and I had tears swirling in my eyes. "I missed you" I said and I could hear her sniffs

We looked at each other with tears and as it goes burst out laughing for no reason. That was how we used to calm our emotions.

"They are weird" we heard Bert saying Drake while Drake nodded

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