Chapter - 29 : Heart to Heart Talks !!

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We were so involved in our make out that we forgot we were surrounded by people until we heard whistles, cheers and claps. As we moved a bit away from each other, a blush creeped my cheeks and I couldn't stop smiling.

"ahem... seems like someone is deeply , madly and irrecoverably in ..."

"Shut up Krissy" Drake said not letting Krystle finish her sentence

"I guess we should call it a day and get back to our accommodations else, these two would give us a show we don't want to see" Bert winked at me as he spoke

"Ohh no, no, nothing exquisite to see , I think you have more experience with Pearl" I gave it back with the same wink making him choke his beer

"Damn Hele, you know how to give it back" Drake whispered while placing his hand at the small of my back

We got back to our beach house and enjoyed the rest of the night exploring each other and finally getting back to sleep. The next morning, we were assigned the task to get the flowers, drapes and other materials to set up the venue near the beach. Yes, Krystle wanted everything to be done by her close ones. In her words "I would marry rather in a clumsy place decorated by my loved ones than in an exquisite place decorated by random people mechanically". We couldn't say No and moreover it was fun. It wasn't like she and Jeff would sit back and overlook. They were equally getting involved. Like the guys went to get the chairs and tables, lampposts and some pillars, while the girls were on duty to pick flowers, drapes, carpets, lights, gifts for the guests, ....

"be safe and drive safe" Drake whispered in my ear and placed a kiss on my forehead before driving away with the guys.

"Hele, we need to come back soon and get rest of preps done" Anne yelled

"Coming" I ran towards the car. I was in charge of driving because Pearl suggested that I was best at it.

We have rented a big truck to fit all the stuff we were going to buy or rent whichever works. Krystle had made sure to have the addresses of where to look for what and we made a move quickly.

"So Pearl, when are you going to tie the knot?" Anne asked

"Not sure. But I want to start family soon. Bert also wants the same. We both are settled as far as our career goes, my job as a professor in the university of Ghent is confirmed, Bert is taking over his fathers business and we have been dating since 2 years now."

"Did he pop up the question yet?"

"Nopes. That's the only thing which makes me worry. He said couple of times he sees me in his life, in his future, but that's all, he never asked me ever. I wouldn't even know what to do if he changes his mind and doesn't want me anymore."

"Pearl" my voice as calm as possible

"Girl, did you notice how he looks at you? As if you are the only girl around him and no way he is gonna dump you after coming with you so far. I am sure he might have different plans to pop up the question"

"I really hope so"

This was the first time I saw her nervous. No doubt she is head over heels in his love. When she lost her parents I have hardly seen her happy but when Bert came in her life she started smiling more, Bert made her happy and cared for her more than anyone, to be honest he cared for her more than me. He had put up with her when she was mad, hurt or annoying. He is the best thing that has happened in her life after her parents and I can understand her worry. In a way I am also sailing in the same boat.

The talks shifted to Krystle and Jeff and later to Anne and Liam. I found out that Liam is going to be the CEO soon taking over the business from his father- precisely after this trip he would step in as CEO. Anne informed that Liam doesn't want people to see him differently, so he keeps his profile low and tries to be the real him when he is not at work. I was so happy for Anne and Krystle and also for Pearl. They were happy and seeing them happy made me happy.

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