Chapter -17 : Sweet and Bitter !!

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"Hele wait" Drake called from behind but my thoughts were still about what happened few minutes ago.

I didn't turn around and ran into the water trying to calm my body and mind.

"Hele. Stop. Don't get too much far" I could hear Drake practically screaming with his voice full of concern.

I knew I had to stop, but I didn't want to, yet I did stop holding my knees with breathing heavy and heart pounding against my chest and water almost reaching my knees.

"What the hell were you trying to do Hele?'' Drake came and stood next to me, I turned towards him could see him looking with anger and concern at the same time.

"Come with me" he practically dragged as a big wave hit us making us fall into the water and his grip on me became real tight.

"Never do this again Hele. Don't run away from me" he begged once we gathered ourselves and walked towards the sand.

"Why?" I asked almost in a whisper

He frowned

"why should I not stay away from you Drake?"

"I have already said you Hele. I want to be with you, take care of you and I am ready to be your friend if that's what you are going to offer" his last words showed the hurt he was trying to gulp in.

"Friend? " I asked questioningly

He frowned in confusion as I shook my head feeling a pang of disappointment. But I knew somewhere that he was saying that because of me. I wanted him but I didn't want him. I could feel his eyes on me trying to decipher what was going withing me.

I sat on the shore with the waves hitting my legs and leaving into the water as calm as they could. He took his place beside me and looked towards the never ending sea.

"Hele..Can I ask you something?"

I nodded

"Is there any chance that I can be something more than a friend to you. Please be honest"

I looked at him and he turned towards me at the same time. He looked as if , a No from me would shatter him into pieces which can never be picked up.

It is so, a No from me at this moment will break him from this moment. A yes to him now would shatter him after 5 months if we work as more than friends. Either way we both are going to be ruined. Should I really think of future and leave what's right infront of me know. I didn't even give a chance and am thinking of something that might happen. Is it right after knowing He and I have undeniable chemistry between us that sets fire on to our bodies with a mere touch of each other.

"Hele" he called softly yet with an anxiety.

I looked at him breaking from my thoughts. Bringing my hand and placing it right above his and pressing gently I leaned my head on his shoulder and whispered

"Ik wil weten wat meer betekent dan vrienden zijn"

(I want to know what more than being friends means)

He didn't speak or reply which made me worry and I sat straight turning towards him and I could see he was trying to sink my words in as he didn't bat his eyelashes and continued staring at me.

"Drake" I took his name and placed my hands on his cheeks

"Hele" he cupped my cheeks " are not kidding right?"

I tried to shake my head but he cupping my cheeks made it difficult. "No..I am not Drake"

He placed his forehead over mine and taking a deep breath as if to control his emotions, closed his eyes and gently whispered "I cant believe you are giving us a chance. I seriously cant believe. You know what I want to do now?''

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