Chapter - 32 :Time to face truth !!

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The wedding day came quick and Krystle was ready to wed Jeff. Drake and Bert walked Krystle to the aisle where Jeff was eagerly waiting. While giving away Krystle to Jeff both Drake and Bert warned Jeff that they will hunt him down if Krystle would shed even a single tear. Jeff had to gulp a couple of times before assuring both that he loves Krystle and would always keep her front at times of priority and behind in case of facing troubles.

Soon the vows were done and the priest announced Jeff and Krystle as husband and wife. They both took their own sweet time to end the kiss when the priest asked Jeff to kiss his bride erupting laughter from the audiences around.

The first dance was done by Drake and Krystle while I danced with Jeff and later Bert danced with Krystle while I danced with Drake and Pearl with Jeff. During the toast Drake and Bert shared some hilarious memories involving Krystle and so did Ann and her parents about Jeff.

However Liam was not seen around during Dance and toast. I asked Ann and she informed that he had to take an important call and was on call. After the cake cutting and the reception , Krystle and Jeff left for their honeymoon. The guests left and so did we only after discussing that we would rest today and tomorrow we would clean up everything . That night no one had energy and I am sure everyone did slip into sleep the moment they went to their rooms, as we did.

The next morning came up quickly and we all started cleaning up.

"Hele" I turned around and saw Bert being absolute nervous. My lips twitched up and I neared him smiling.

"I will make sure Pearl meets you near the cruise. Don't be nervous because Pearl would suspect something."

"You are the best Hele. Thank you so much" he hugged me and I felt happy for both of them.

"I know I am the best, so go now and be on the cruise on time. We will clean up here and bring her there."

He nodded and left from there. I worked fast to wind up the work when I was almost done I saw Drake talking to Elina. As much as I didn't want to get effected , I couldn't help but feel down. Liam who was working alongside with me noticed and placed his arm around my shoulder and looked at me.

"Drake will never let you down Hele. Don't let any wrong ideas enter in your brain. If he had any other intentions he would not talk to her out in open knowing you are around, he would have taken her somewhere private."

"Thank you Liam. I trust Drake but I am not sure if I should trust Elina"

"Elina is not bad as person but she does really get influenced easily by people. To be frank by her sister Diana who oozes negativity without doing anything. God I am so sorry for her husband"

"Liam you forgot her husband is my brother Steve"

"no I didn't and I mean what I said. I feel sorry for Steve" he shrugged earning a slap on his shoulder from me.


"really, I hardly touched your muscle Liam"

"whatever Hele"

We both smiled and got back to work and finished it. Once done, I left towards the beach house of Pearl because it was time to make her ready . Drake, Jeff , Steve and Ann left to return the rented things and Drake texted me that as soon as he is back he would drive all three of us to the cruise. I made Bert text Pearl that he is going along with Drake and Jeff and would meet her once he is back to avoid any suspicions.


"Hele" she screamed

"God Pearl I don't want to get deaf"

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