prevention hotline.

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this chapter was inspired by a book i read saturday (its currently monday. 11pm and i have classes at 8am tomorrow. vibe!)

also trigger warning: mentions of self harm/relapsing

enjoy or don't idk i haven't written it yet its probably bad ok BYE-


Press the fucking button, idiot.

No! Wait, don't. You'll just freeze up like last time.

Mark, come on! It's either this or you relapse. Do you want to lose all the progress you've made?

Don't say shit like tha—

Rii— Click.

"Thank you for calling the Suicide Prevention Hotline, my name is Amy Nelson. How can I help you?"

Mark froze, just as he feared he would. He wasn't sure why he couldn't speak, it's not like he was.. scared. No. He recognized her voice, she was the same women who picked up when he called last month and hung up after she introduced herself.

Is it possible she remembers him?

"Um, hello? Are you okay? If you don't respond, I'll be forced to send police to your home."

Mark quickly picked the phone up and took a breath, "No! Don't, I'm here-- I.. I'm here." He heard Amy release a sigh of relief before she began typing away at her keyboard. He felt bad for calling. Like there were other people with bigger problems than what he had going on. He was a thirty one year old man calling the Suicide Prevention Hotline. When did it get this bad?

"I'm sorry I called, I know I'm just wasting your time, I-"

"Sir, I'm here to help you. Don't apologize for seeking help. Just tell me what's wrong, or, if you don't wish to think about it, we can talk about something else."

Amy sounded.. understanding and nice. Something Mark wasn't prepared for. He stared down at his free hand, his eyes trailing up his scarred forearm before quickly closing his eyes and slouching his shoulders. "I.. called to distract myself." He admitted, for some reason he sounded embarrassed.

"Okay. Then how about I ask you some questions? You can skip any question that you aren't comfortable with answering, alright? I'm going to write down your answers, too, in case you call in the future and want to do this again."

Mark inhaled sharply, sitting down on his bed and finally agreeing to Amy's suggestion. He heard her clear her throat before she began.

"Let's start easy. What's your name?"

"Uh, Mark. Mark Fischbach."

"What is your age?"

"Thirty one."

"Oh, I'm twenty four. I- know you didn't ask, but hey, you're older than me." Mark felt as if he could feel Amy smiling on the other end and in return, he flashed a gentle grin, his eyes opening as he did so. "That's fine. I don't mind."

"I'm glad. Okay, do you have any pets?"

"I-I do! I have a dog."

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