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this is like a vent chapter, im sorry, you don't have to read it. ignore it, just wait till i post another, idk.

enjoy, if you do read it.



Mark was all of those, and many more.

He forced himself to stay awake to edit videos.

He was alone because he stayed in the recording room all day.

Why was he scared? He was scared of messing videos up and editing them wrong, then fucking up his schedule.

He was hungry because he didn't eat, he didn't want to eat, he wasn't hungry, or, that's what he told himself.

Mark was staring at a computer screen, his eyes bloodshot red, all the lights off, just the light from the computer screen illuminating his face.

His stomach growled, "Shut up." He'd say, ignoring how hungry he really was.

His eyes tried to close, he'd immediately grab the cold bottle of water and pour some on his face, shaking his head. "No sleeping."

He'd feel anxiety bubbling in his stomach, his hands shaking, he would come close to messing up an edit he was doing, "You can do this, you won't mess up, you got it.." He'd try to calm himself.

"You're alone." He'd say, eyes staring at the computer screen, "But that's okay."

Mark closed his eyes when the lights flickered on, he rubbed his eyes. "Mark, are you coming to bed?"

Mark looked at his girlfriend who had a worried expression on her face, he shook his head, "Gotta finish editing first."

Amy sighed, "Mark, you've been up for a week straight, editing non-stop, I know Kathryn went on vacation for a bit but you dont need to stress on editing, I can edit for yo-"

"No!" Mark shouted, hands slamming against the desk, he groaned, shaking his head, "I mean, no.. It's my videos, my content, I can edit it." He looked over at Amy, seeing her frown, shaking her head, she walked in the recording room, next to him, she placed a hand on his shoulder, "Mark, please-"

Mark shrugged her hand off his shoulder, shifting away and going back to editing. "Leave me alone, just let me finish this video and I'll get to bed afterwards."

"Mark, it's almost 4am-" Mark groaned, tilting his head back, "I don't care! Just get out! Leave me alone! When I get done with this video I'll come to bed!" He gripped his hair.

Amy flinched, eyebrows raised as she stared at him, soon she looked away and began walking out the door, slamming it shut without a word.

Mark was full of regret now.

He was gonna make himself suffer even more... but, in his eyes, he deserved it.

Amyplier One Shots [completed]Where stories live. Discover now