i like it rough.

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Amy yawned as she sat up, the side of Marks bed was surprisingly empty and she suddenly became a little worried, pulling the covers off, she shivered once she realized she only managed to put on some panties before going to sleep from being so exhausted. (WINK LMAO)

The pink haired female groaned as she stood up, only to nearly fall back down, wincing, "Fuck-!" Her legs wobbled as she gained her balance and rubbed her hip, "Ow.." She sighed as she slowly leaned down, groaning and picking up Marks flannel, she put it on over her tank top, as she started walking toward the bedroom door, she walked out.

Amy walked down the stairs, her hands gripping the railing as if her life depended on it, she sniffed and the smell of eggs and bacon hit her nose, she saw Mark at the stove with a robe on.

Amy tilted her head with a smile as she walked up beside him, speaking softly, "You got up early.." Mark stifled a chuckle and shook his head, "I tend to do that." Amy smiled as she watched Mark cook the eggs until he moved the wrong way and he winced, inhaling sharply, Amy blinked, glancing up at him, "I'm fine." Amy sighed as she rubbed his back, that was a mistake, Mark dropped the spatula and nearly screamed in pain, "Shit-!"

Amy squeaked as she jumped back, "A-All I did was rub your back--!" Mark sighed as he slowly pulled the robe off, only in his boxers, Amy watched with an eyebrow raised as he turned around and Amy nearly screamed at what she saw; along Marks back were long scratches that looked as if they had drawn blood, his entire back a bright red.

Amy covered her mouth with her hands as tears formed in her eyes, "O-oh my god-- did I do that?! I'm so sorry! Y-You could've told me it hurt! I-!" Mark shushed her by kissing her lips softly, "It's okay, I like it rough." He whispered in her ear, causing her to shudder as he did.


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