amyplier texts 2

1K 32 14

mark: sean hit 15 million yesterday

peebs: ik ik why are u telling me?

mark: we should celebrate

peebs: wait what
> mark why are u coming upstairs


peebs: me + my ass = sore

mark: me + my ass = kiss it

peebs: >:(


peebs: mark
> i need to tell u something

mark: amy-

peebs: no its serious i swear

mark: okag

peebs: okay
> so i was going to the store yesterday like you asked me too

mark: yea??

peebs: i got everything i thought we'd need/needed and was putting things in the car, an emoloyee walked over

mark: amy

peebs: and he was like
> do ya need help?
> and im like, nah i got it
> so then he goes,
> i like what ya got going on there and gestured to my face

mark: wait what

peebs: and im like here? my entire face?
> and he was like yea
> and i was like
> th ank you ?? question mark??

mark: im gonna need a name and an description bc someone's dying

peebs: MAR K


peebs: how RTs for u to get a birb
> between 1 - 1,00

mark: 2,000

peebs: !!!!!!??????

mark: take it or leave it

peebs: o kayyy yy


peebs: u have to get me a birb

mark: for ur birthday

peebs: :DDDD


mark: what kind of instrument does a skeleton play?

peebs: a trombone?

mark: no??
> and saxoBONE

peebs: have u been playing Undertale


peebs: mark im hungry

mark: for this dick

peebs: uGGGG
> can i come downstairs

mark: and sit on this dICK

peebs: bye



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