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that soulmate au where you can't see color until you find your soulmate. ye. c:

no warnings. all soft. kinda. :)


With a heavy sigh, a brunette female walked a quick pace to her apartment, the sun was setting and her neighborhood was not the safest place after dark, so she wanted to get home fast.

Despite that, she was also one of the few who still could not see color. She hadn't found her soulmate like all her friends had, so, she was stuck with the plain black and white scenery. Not being able to see color at night was hard, she was almost always lost, so she liked to be home before dark.

Her eyes darted around, checking her surroundings constantly and making sure no one was following her. As she made a sharp turn that would lead her to a set of steps to her apartment, a hand was clasped over her mouth and an arm wrapped around her torso, being pulled back to a strong build.

On instinct, the female kicked and squirmed, shouting at any moment she got.

"Help! Please! Anyone! Help!"

She shouted. Again and again.

The mysterious figure tried pulling her back down the way she had came and she balled her hands to fists, beating against whatever she could hit and kept screaming until they covered her mouth again.

Finally, a familiar voice shouted, "Leave her alone!"

The brunette gasped when the figure that held her tightly was yanked away from her and slammed against a brick wall behind them. Before she could process it, her rescuer turned to her. It was a male, and she recognized him, but she couldn't quite figure out his name, "Run!"

She nodded and took off up the stairs and stopped at the top, to wait and see if her savor would need help.

The female heard some grunts and shouting before she saw one pull the other out into the parking lot and kick the other until they were on the ground, curled up and gasping for breath.

She gasped, watching her rescuer run up the steps towards her and grab her hand, and she immediately froze and so did he.

The first color she saw was brown.

His bright hazel eyes staring into her own as she saw the red flannel and black hair, tan skin. Since it was mostly dark now, she was limited to some colors, but she could see his and that was good enough.

She noticed he was staring at her in return and she soon cleared her throat, an eyebrow raised and breaking the silence.

"We're... soulmates?"

He nodded slightly, moving closer to her as he stared her down, "I suppose so."

"Thank you, for saving me."

He nodded again, but this time he was more sure and a smile had finally formed across his lips.

"No need to thank me, I was just doing the right thing. However, I recognize you." He hummed, tilting his head at the brunette as she nodded in return, "Ditto, but I can't think of your name."

"I'm Mark!"

"I'm Amy."

Amy smiled widely, gripping his hand tighter as she smiled up at Mark, "Wanna come to my apartment? We can watch comedy shows and eat popcorn."

Mark chuckled softly, letting her walk ahead.

"Lead the way, ma'am."

Giggling at Mark, Amy turned her head and began the short walk to her front door, "Nice to meet you, by the way, Mark."

"Nice to meet you, too Amy."

Amy bit her bottom lip as she opened her door, "Ya' know.. colors are so.. beautiful.." She mumbled, turning her head to Mark, who nodded in agreement. "Very vivid."

"Vivid, indeed."

Amyplier One Shots [completed]Where stories live. Discover now