don't let me drown.

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Mark turned his head an irish accent shouted his name, seeming to be in a panic as he called for his half-korean friend, "Yeah?"

"It's Amy!" Mark immediately felt his stomach drop as he ran off with Sean.

Mark, Sean, Signe, and Amy were all at the beach, having like a double beach date, again. However, this time, something bad happened.

"I can't reach her!!" A voice shouted.

"Signe, stop!" Sean shouted as he ran into the water, holding her as Signe sobbed. "Amy's drowning!" Signe screamed as bystanders watched, too scared to swim out passed the line. Beyond that line, that water dropped off deep, and sharks, no one, went across it.

"Amy!!" Mark shouted as he ran towards that line, lifting the rope up and immediately diving under to get an advantage to swim faster, Amy was struggling to stay afloat and she couldn't scream for help, her cries came out as her gargling water.

Mark jumped out the water and back under, his main focus on at least getting her to safety more than himself. Mark soon came up to the service to see Amy had finally sunk, "No!" He shouted.

Mark wiped his eyes as he dived below, luckily, the sun was shining bright, so it helped him catch a glimpse of the pink haired female. Mark immediately swam towards her, just barely grabbing her hand.

Sean told Signe to stay put as he went out to find Mark and Amy, as Sean went under the rope, Mark resurfaced, Amy unconscious. Sean started swimming out towards the two, he was faster on top water than underwater.

As Sean reached them, he helped Mark take Amy back to the line.

"SHARK!" A man yelled as everyone screamed.

Signe held the rope up, they were almost there, but that shark was already gaining on them. "Guys, come on!!" Signe shouted as tears still streamed down her cheeks. Signe held a hand out to grab Sean's, pulling him, Sean grabbed Amy and Mark grabbed Signe's other hand, she pulled them in, struggling as the shark soon changed course, seeming uninterested with them now. Mark took Amy into his own hands and ran to shore with her in his arms, Sean and Signe following behind him, others followed as well, whispering amongst themselves.

As Mark set her down on the beach, he immediately tried to give her CPR, "Fists right between.... 1, 2, 3.." Mark mumbled to himself, blowing air into her mouth, her lips cold. He shook his head as he kept trying, "Amy, I swear to god." He grabbed her face, tapping her cheeks a few times, moving hair from her face, "You're not fucking dying on me, dammit!" Mark was about to lean down to blow more air into her mouth when she started coughing up water, everyone cheered. Mark sighed in relief as Amy slowly opened her eyes, coughing, she saw Mark, unable to say anything since water was still making its way out of her lungs, Amy sat up, hugging him, and he didn't hesitate to return her embrace, just a bit tighter, tears threatening to pour from his eyes.

"I wasn't gonna let you drown.."


my mood still isn't the best but i don't need to make you all suffer because of it.

-sam 💕

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