too shy--?!

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requested by: FairyTailComments! enjoy and i hope this reaches your expectations of what you wanted! ♡

thanks for requesting it!


You promised you would let me in.. I'm tired of waiting..

Dark, no, please..!

Sorry, you should of thought about that, say goodbye to your girlfriend while you have the chance..

Mark woke up abruptly from his slumber, panting and sweating as he turned a light on, seeing Amy's sleeping figure beside him, he sighed as he checked his phone. 4:45am. Mark quickly opened twitter and decided to tweet something,

videos are gonna be delayed, i cant say why and im sorry. i hope everyone has a good day, i accidentally woke up way too early.

@markiplier its almost 5am over there get yourself some more sleep man ♡

@xxxxxx wish i could, thanks, however!

@xxxxxx @markiplier FUCKIMFKAK OH YMGOD

Mark chuckled softly at their reactions and set his phone down, watching as Amy turned, stretching and soon opening her eyes, "Mm.." She yawned, rubbing an eye as she looked at Mark, "Hey, what time is it..?" He shrugged, "Close to 5."

Amy sat up slowly, "Why are you awake so early?"

"I could ask you the same thing."


The morning routine goes as such; wake up, coffee, shower, record, a never ending cycle he wasn't willing to give up, he loved doing what he did, and yes, sometimes it could get to him, but he's been able to push through with the help of Amy.

Mark watched Amy as she sat down on the couch, a cup of coffee in hand and the tv remote in the other, she turned the tv on as she sat down, Mark just staring at her, admiring her, the way her hair moved when she'd mess with it, the way her eyes glistened as the light from the tv glowed against it, he could stare at her for hours and he wished he could. His train of thought was interrupted as his phone vibrated. Mark groaned as he grabbed it off the counter and sat at the table in the kitchen, seeing the text.

booper dooper: hey dude you alright? i saw what you tweeted earlier and i know that was quite early for you, i hope you're not busy, just wanted to check up on ya

Mark felt a small smile form across his lips as he read the text, quickly responding,

markimoo: hey man, thanks, but im all good, just happened to wake up and couldn't get back to sleep, then i woke amy up so we both stayed up. thanks, again, though

The reply was instant,

booper dooper: of course!


Mark was fixing a plate of breakfast that Amy cooked when he froze in place, staring at the plate and soon he began to shake, and the plate slipped from his hands, hitting the floor, pieces flying everywhere.

Are you ready?

Dark, no!

All Mark heard was laughter as he lost all control and couldn't move at his own free will anymore, Mark couldn't see at all.

Dark chuckled softly, twisting and turning his neck and rolling his shoulders back, "Finally..." His voice had echoes to it, overlaying itself, making him sound louder than he actually spoke. Amy soon walked into the kitchen, "Mark, are you okay? I heard a plate--" Amy froze when she saw him turn around.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Amy Nel--" Dark froze, he was frozen, staring at Amy and soon enough, his face flushed, what the fuck was this feeling?! This made no sense! His plans were to kill her, why wasn't he doing so?!

...He was too shy.

Dark, why are you staring at her?

You didn't tell me she... she was that.. pretty.. I-I mean-!

Dark was caught off guard when he felt the control of Mark's body being taken away from him, once again, Dark yelled,


Mark groaned as he slowly opened his eyes to see Amy standing in front of him, staring at Mark, "M-...Mark, please, tell me that's you.." Mark nodded slowly as Amy hugged him tightly, not letting him go, her grip tight.

You were too shy?

Shut. Up.

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