little one.

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I shot up in bed, holding my stomach in sudden pain as I hopped out of bed and dashed down the hallway to throw up all the contents my stomach held, groaning, moving my hair from my face, I felt my throat burn as I gulped, flushing the toilet, sighing.

I stood up and turned the water on in the sink as I grabbed a small cup from under the sink to wash out my mouth. After doing so, I turned the bathroom light off and walked downstairs to the kitchen, seeing Mark- how had I not noticed he wasn't in bed?

"Amy? Baby girl, what're you doing awake?"

"I could ask you the same thing, after.. earlier, I was exhausted, but, I woke up with stomach pains, and threw up.." I said quietly, walking to the fridge, passing Mark and planting a kiss to his forehead as I grabbed some orange juice.
"Are you okay, princess?"

"Come to bed, dear."
I urged as Mark set his phone down and sighed, standing up as he walked with me upstairs.


I jolted awake again and held my stomach as I jumped out the bed, my sudden movements woke Mark up, I saw him trudging after me as I fell onto the floor, spilling my stomach contents into the toilet again, Mark held my hair back.
"Damn, baby, what's wrong? Didn't you say you had stomache pains last night?"

I sighed as I closed the toilet lid, shaking my head.


It was later in the day and I was walking to Signe's house with a bag in my hand. As I reached the door, I knocked and eventually a small girl that was 4 answered, leaving me surprised that she could reach the doorknob.
"Hi, auntie Amy!"

I leaned over slightly, "Hi, Luna, is your mommy and daddy home?" I watched the child nod as she motioned for me to come in, as I did, she hopped up down the hallway shouting.

Soon enough, Signe and Sean walked into the living room, Luna bouncing off to play with her toys.

"Hey, Amy, what's up?" Sean asked I opened the bag I had and pulled out what it contained. Signe's jaw dropped, Sean seemed to be holding back his urges to smile. "May I borrow your bathroom?" I asked as Signe immediately nodded, gesturing me towards it.


I left the pregnancy test on the bathroom sink and paced down the hallway as I waited.

Eventually, the 20 minutes I had to wait were up and I walked into the bathroom and grabbed it without looking, taking it into the living room, I handed it to Sean who set Luna down and whispered to the child and held the test up. Signe walked up behind me as sweat dripped down my face.
Please be negative, I thought.

My stomach dropped when Sean nodded at me, I turned to Signe as panic began to rise in me, "Congratulations, Amy, you're uh.. you're pregnant."

"Pregnant?! N-no! I can't be! Those times I threw up were just things I ate-!" Then again, after I threw up the first time, I didn't eat afterwards, so, this had to be the only other explanation. "Wh-what am I gonna tell Mark?!"

I watched as Sean placed both his hands on my shoulders, "Amy, deep breaths, okay? Mark is an understanding guy, tell him when the time is right- but don't tell him too late." I stared at Sean for a moment before forcing myself to nod.

"Good luck, girl!" I waved to Signe as she told me that and I left, walking slowly back to the house. Sean has a point but.. I don't want to tell him.. maybe I can abort and he'll never know- no, wait, I can't just do that, dammit..


I swallowed the lump in my throat as I stood in front of the house, my hand hesitantly  turning the doorknob.

"Babe, there you are! I was starting to get worried!" I had to pull off a fake expression, I couldn't fucking tell him yet. "Sorry, bab, I'm here now." I giggled nervously as Mark walked over to me, lifting me up and I nearly shouted, The baby! But I couldn't just blurt that out.

I inhaled sharply and smiled down at him, but as he set me down, I gasped and held my stomach, "Amy-?" I tried to say something but I just ran off to the bathroom, falling beside the toilet and letting it out again.

I heaved as Mark walked in, frowning, "Baby, you've been throwing up a lot, are you.. sick..?"

I sighed, shaking my head as I stood up and flushed the toilet, my throat beginning to burn, that all to familiar feeling. I sniffed, holding my urges to burst into tears, I needed to remain calm to tell him. "O-okay.. before I say anything else, do you promise you won't get mad and leave?"

I watched Mark tilt his head as he took my hands into his own, for a moment, I felt secure, until I remembered what I was about to do, "Amy Nelson, I love you with all of my heart, I promise I won't." I nodded slowly, taking a deep breath, "Alright.."

Mark reassured me with a smile but I didn't feel reassured at all.

"Okay, Mark- ..I.. I'm uh.." I glanced at Mark, his eyebrow raised in confusion, I finally blurted out all at once, "MarkI'mpregnant--!!" I felt his grip on my hands loosen on mine as he slowly let go and took a step back, I prepared for the shouting.

Mark's POV


It was said so fast, I barely caught on, but when I did, everything seemed to stop, Amy was pregnant? And I was the father? I suddenly felt a smile form across my lips, letting her hands go as I wrapped my arms around her, lifting her up carefully.

"Amy, this is amazing! I'm happy!" I shouted, I looked up at her as she rested her hands on my shoulders, seeming baffled, "Wh-?! You are?! But, I don't think we're even ready--"

"We can get ready!" I reassured her as she finally smiled at me, she seemed as if the world was lifted off her shoulders, perhaps she was scared to tell me. I'm glad she did, because I'm excited.

I set Amy down gently, brushing some hair from her face, "I love you so much."

I watched Amy as her eyes glistened with tears that started to flow dowm her cheeks, I instinctively wiped them with my thumb as she responded, "I love you, too.."

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