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this one shot was inspired by ConnieMcFalcon on twitter, they drew pastel!Mark and Amy and i just had to do this im sosorry


Mark set the flower crown on top of Amy's head, smiling to himself since he made it just for her.

Amy looked in the mirror and smiled, "Aww! I love it.."

Mark took a step back to admire Amy, she wore a long sleeved shirt with a skirt, along with leggings on, she didn't have shoes because, they're at home, what's the point?

Mark was actually wearing a light blue t-shirt and light blue jeans, a flower crown also on his head since Amy made him one, "I'm glad you like it."

"I love it, thank you." Amy turned to Mark and placed a hand on his shoulder, kissing his nose.


Later on, Amy had posted a picture of her and Mark on twitter of them wearing the flower crowns and matching, and she was receiving very sweet comments,


did you make those omg i want one!!


nice color choice, seems pastel like!! guys ur both a living aesthetic!


"Whatcha lookin' at?" Amy heard Mark say as he walked around the couch to sit down next to her, "Comments."

"Of the photo you took?"

"Mhm, nice feedback, such as 'mom and dad is that you?'." Amy giggled as Mark wrapped an arm around her chuckling, "Yeah, I get a lot of 'dad is that you?!', comments, too."

"I don't mind, though, I think its funny." Amy said, closing her phone and laying her head on Mark's shoulder,

"Me, too."


ik its short im sorry, updates are still slow because things are still so complicated and i have to go to my aunts this weekend :(

that aside

thanks for being patient with me! ♡

-izzy 💕

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