Still Here.

959 32 27

get your fucking tissues ready.
listening to the song may make it worse, but listen at your own risk.

warnings: suicide mention, character death. thoughts of suicide.
im so sorry.


Musing through memories, losing my grip in the grey..

Mark walked into the living room, sitting down on the couch as he opened a photo album up, slowly turning each page, looking at the pictures it contained, pictures of him and his girlfriend, Amy. Mark tried to hold back tears that began to prick at his eyes, but they refused to stay put, soon sliding down his cheeks in streams.

Numbing the senses, I feel you slipping away,
fighting to hold on, clinging to just one more day..

Mark saw his tears land on some photos, one tear landed on a certain photo he loved. It was the night of their 1 year anniversary and he had taken her out to dinner and to stargaze afterwards, Sean shot the picture when they weren't looking, Mark cherished that photo.

Love turns to ashes, with all that I wish I could say..

I'd die to be where you are.
I tried to be where you are.

Mark had contemplated ending it, the pain and the suffering, he couldn't take this, he can't take this.
He was a soon-to-be 28 year old man, crying over the death of his girlfriend who killed herself!

And he, was contemplating death.

Every night, I dream you still here.
The ghost by my side, so perfect, so clear.
When I awake, you'll disappear..
Back to the shadows with all I hold dear.

I dream you're still here.

Why she had committed suicide was still unknown, her death accured a little over a month ago, Mark was only holding himself above water with a barely blown float because of his friends. He didn't want to leave them. But, without Amy, who was he?

Hidden companion,
Phantom be still in my heart,
Make me promise that time won't erase us,
That we were not lost from the start.

Mark had the craziest dreams but they always felt so real; he'd dream that Amy knocks on the front door and exclaims that its a prank, or something of the sorts.

He wished they'd stop, because that only put him through more pain, but he couldn't help it. He needed her back. He wanted her back. Badly.

Mark wiped his eyes but the tears still kept streaming down his face, he was never gonna get over this.

I dream you're still here,
Ever slightly out of reach,
I dream you're still here,
But it breaks so easily.
I try to protect you.
I can't let you fade away.

I feel you slipping,
I feel you slipping away..

Mark closed the photo album.

"I dream you're still here... I wish you were here.." He whispered to himself, bringing his knees up to his chest, hugging them tightly.


this was requested by: mac10514

thank you very much, i have found a new song i hate, but love <3
i hope this wasn't too bad.
thank you for requesting it!

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