live stream cuties

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requested by: AddictedReader102!!

thank you!!

(sorry its kinda short)


It was a nice calm day today, and Mark had decided it would be a nice time to stream, so, currently, Mark was up in his office, smiling as he played through a game of PUBG, watching the chat and his gameplay screen, switching between both. Mark paused the game when he saw a question, "'Can Amy play?' Hm, well, if she's not busy. Hold on, I'll go see!" Mark was so happy that his fans were okay with Amy, he could have her in videos and live streams, it was so much better than hiding it.

Mark made his way out his office and downstairs, seeing Amy on the laptop, sitting on the couch. Mark walked up behind her and poked her head, "Hey, baby girl, someone asked if you could join stream and play some PUBG." Amy smiled as she turned her head to look at Mark, grabbing the laptop as as she stood up, "Sure."

Mark smiled as they both walked up the stairs and back into his office. "Amy is here!" He announced, Amy leaned over and watched the chat flood with,

'hey ames!!!'
'mom hello'
'mom is that u'

Amy giggled as she waved into Mark's webcam, "We can share a webcam, yeah?" Amy nodded as she set the laptop up and went onto PUBG.

"While we wait for Amy to get in, why not answer some questions!" And immediately afterwards, the chat exploded with questions, Amy leaned over to Mark's computer to look as some caught her eye.

"Ooh, here's one, 'what did Mark first say to you when you guys met?'" Mark's face immediately flushed a bright red as Amy smiled at him, "Actually, the first thing Mark said to me was a friendly pick up line that landed him a date at McDonald's. A milkshake and a large fry, I'll never forget that." Amy giggled as she read another, "'Can we get some live action smooches?'" She read, giggling as she looked at Mark who was still blushing, Amy shook her head as she leaned over and kissed his cheek.

"Amy!" He was clearly flustered now as he glared at her, Amy just shrugged, reading another, "'Do you guys and Sean and Signe ever have like double dates?'" Amy's bottom lip poked out as she thought about that, "Um, we haven't, but, that doesn't sound like a bad idea."

"Amy, I can barely impress you, let alone impressing two other people." Amy shook her head, "You don't need to impress me, honey, you're perfect." Amy's voice was easily picked up by Mark's mic as she kissed his cheek again as PUBG loaded on her laptop,

"A-aww, Amy.. I.. love you.."

"I love you, too, Markimoo."

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