make it.

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Running was all I could do at a time like this, I was doomed and I may have been destined to die, which, I always knew death was inevitable but I wasn't exactly expecting it to end like this. I could maybe estimate the time was close to 8 o'clock, it wasn't that late, but it was to late for me and I knew this as well, all I was told to do was run, and if he made it, he'd come find me, I was deep in the woods as far as I knew, and I had my doubts of him ever finding me and me ever finding the end of these woods, I would occasionally yell out in hopes of someone hearing me but to no avail, no one heard me, and if anyone did, they ignored it as probably just kids playing around, but in the woods? Uh, I hated LA.

To make matters worse, I had a baby in my arms, crying, she was mine, ours. All I could take with me was her, the baby, you'd think someone would hear her cries if I was close to any sort of civilization, but it seems I wasn't, I was slowly losing hope, but I had to keep a little, I wasn't going to let this baby die along with me, she hasn't even turned 1 yet, it wouldn't be fair. 

To my surprise, I began to see light, not sunlight, but maybe headlights, and as my hopes got higher, my running got faster and so did my breathing, and her crying became louder, but I had to block that out for the moment as I ran to what I had my eyes locked on, I needed to get away like he said to, but I also didn't want to leave him there, but what was I supposed to do? I couldn't do much before I'd be killed. I wasn't one to talk to complete strangers when I don't even know where I am, but, I needed help, and fast, I couldn't just leave him there to die.

As I ran, I hit a small ditch, landing right on my back to break my daughters fall, she had stopped crying when I fell and she just stared at me, I stayed like that for a few until I heard a car door shut, "Hello, ma'am, are you okay? I saw you fall out from the woods, what were you doing out there? With a baby?" He had a thick irish accent, I quickly took notice of that, as I stood up slowly, a woman jumped out the car, "Oh my- Sean, get them in the car, they may need medical attention!" Did we look that rough? Well, maybe, I haven't seen a mirror in hours. "W-wait!" I began, panting, "Take yer' time-" Sean tried to calm me down but it wasn't going to work, my nerves were torn all to shit and my daughter was probably dehydrated and needed food and water. "No! M-My husband! W-We have to go back! I can't leave him! We... our.. daughter..!" I felt hot tears begin to prick at the corners of my eyes and instead of holding back, I let them flow down my cheeks like rivers, I didn't want my daughter growing up without a father figure in her life.

The woman walked over to me cautiously, "My name is Signe, that's my husband, Sean. We will take you back to your house to get your husband, and you will both be okay, alright?" I wanted to believe her, I really did, but doubt lingered at the bottom. Were we going to be alright? "W-We have to hurry... please.." I begged as Signe nodded, leading me over to the car, helping me get in the back seat, I laid my daughter down beside me and she immediately fell asleep against my leg, "What's your name, ma'am?" Sean asked me as he took off driving, "Amy, and this is my daughter, Anastasia." Signe smiled softly at me, "She's lovely, now, where do you live?"

"I live on [S/N]." (a/n: street name because i'm lazy)

Sean raised an eyebrow, "Address?"

"1422." I sigh.

To my surprise, Sean hit the gas peddle, "Hang on!"


As we reached the house, I saw all the lights on, and.. fire?

"Sean!! The house is on fire!" I yelled, waking Anastasia, I started panicking as he stopped the car, "I'll take your baby, go get your husband, Sean go with her!" Signe yelled as me and him both jumped out the car and ran, I was crying, what if Mark didn't make it?!

"Hurry, Amy!" I heard Sean, I walked inside, squinting my eyes, the fire wasn't so bad just yet, but it was getting there, "Mark!" I tried yelling, "Mark!" Sean even yelled, I was stumbling around.

I decided to check the room we were in last, the bedroom, I stumbled down the hall and into the room, screaming, "SEAN! IN HERE!" I screamed because he didn't seem to be in good shape, as Sean ran in, he wasted no time in picking Mark up bridal style, as I covered my mouth, the fire was getting bigger, "Hurry!" He yelled to me, I coughed as me and him stumbled out the house.

"I called the fire department and police, they're on the way!" Signe exclaimed as we ran towards her, Sean struggled as I opened the back car door, setting Mark in there, he laid him down, I immediately jumped in, leaning my head against his chest, a huge wave or relief washed over me, "O-oh, thank god..." He was breathing, but for how long?

As I heard sirens, I jumped out the car, an ambulance pulling up, immediately pulling a gurnee out, "Where is he?" A male asked, fire trucks rolling in. "Here!" I panted, helping them put him on the gurnee. "Is he breathing?" I nodded quickly, "Y-yes-!"

I watched them drive off, frowning, with tears streaming down my cheeks, I felt a soft feminine hand on my shoulder, assuming it was Signe, I kept sobbing. "Come on, we'll follow them." Sean said as he hopped in the car, Signe handed me Anastasia and I turned around to see firefighters trying to tame the flames engulfing the house, I looked down at my daughter as I stepped into the car, Sean drove off.


As we made it to the hospital, we didn't bother rushing in, there was no need to.

I saw a police officer talking to a receptionist as he made eye contact with me, I raised an eyebrow, he was walking towards me, "Amy Fischbach, right? Wife to Mark Fischbach?" I nodded, handing the baby to Signe. "I wanna ask you a few questions, is that okay?" I looked back to Signe as she nodded, so I shrugged, nodding towards the officer and followed him over to a set of chairs lined up against the wall, "My names Officer Kjellberg, but, you can call me Felix." ..He had a swedish accent, I just seemed to notice. "Let's start with the basic questions, do you know who broke into your house?" I shook my head, "No one who might have anything against your husband? No one maybe looking for revenge?"

"My husband is a kind and lovable man, he would never do anything to provoke someone to harm him." I responded calmly, before Felix could ask anything else a nurse spoke up, holding a clipboard, "Mrs. Fischbach?" I stood up almost immediately, making eye contact with her, she nodded and gestured for me to follow her, I walked over to Signe and took the baby first, thanking her and speed walking to catch up with the woman, "H-how is he, ma'am?"

"He's.. actually quite alright, he pulled through, unlike how our doctors predicted he wouldn't, he proved them wrong, plus, he's already awake, when his eyes shot open he immediately requested that I get you. However, he has a few burns on his arms and torso, so I'd be careful." She explained as we stopped by a door, she smiled at me as she opened it, as she did I saw Mark on the bed, sitting up, smiling as wide as he could, "Thanks, Marzia." I heard him say to the nurse, "Of course, now onto the other thing you requested!" She exclaimed as she left the room, closing the door, I looked at Mark, tilting my head, "Food and drink for you and Ana." I began to tear up as I walked over to the side of the bed, Anastasia reaching up at him, "Hang on, Ana, mommy wants to hug daddy, too." As I handed Anastasia to Mark, the small child clung to him as I crawled onto the bed, "Will it hurt If I..?" I gestured to his legs, "No, go right ahead." I giggled softly as I sat in his lap, looking at the baby. I felt an index finger lift my head up and was immediately met by Mark's soft lips, a feeling I had missed and longed for, and even in a hospital bed with a baby in his other arm, he still made his feel so passionate and loving, as we pulled away, Marzia walked in, "Oops, excuse me, I'll just.." She set the food down on the counter and scurried out.

I'd worry about who did this to us later, right now, all I cared about was Mark.



So! How'd you'd like it? I'm sorry if it seems rushed, I wanted to get this finished tonight, so, I FINALLY got a chapter up!!

Please: Leave requests!!

I am desperate ;;___;;

aLso, small lil announcement, i have officially changed my name!

Yo yo, my names Sam!!

-sam 💕

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